Why is it the woman’s job to ensure a man stand up for a child?
Why is it the woman’s job to ensure a man stand up for a child?
You have no reason to apologize at all, seriously. And I agree completely.
Thank you. And sorry to bring focus to my situation but I need to bear witness for my daughter and anyone who has gone through this. Victims’ voices need to be heard in order for change to occur.
I can’t promise that your daughter will always be okay, but the fact that it sounds like she has a mom who will support her and fight like hell to help her be okay will very definitely give her pretty good odds. I’m really sorry you and she are dealing with such awfulness.
Thank you. Really, I mean that.
Jesus fuckin christ.
I don't have anything profound to say — just I'm really sorry that happened to you. I wish there were something magical to say to show you how sorry I am.
I volunteered on a sexual assault hotline for a few years, and you’d be surprised how common stories these are... I frequently talked to women maybe twice my age who had a devastating experience in their teens that turned into drug addiction, depression, and everything in between for years after. And the degree to…
Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,
Whether I agree with her opinions or not, I think asking older women—especially one of Greer’s background— to sit down and let the young’uns take over is a bit much, too.
Let her talk and defend her views, or let her talk and change her views. If we just tell her to sit down and shut up, old lady with outdated views,…