As an Arsenal fan, I’d give my left hand to see Müller in the PL. As a footy fan and watcher of the Premier League, I’d still give a digit or two to see Müller ANYWHERE in England.
As an Arsenal fan, I’d give my left hand to see Müller in the PL. As a footy fan and watcher of the Premier League, I’d still give a digit or two to see Müller ANYWHERE in England.
That’s more of a stunner than an RKO.
Good. That Clay Matthews is such a thug.
Today...not so much.
Yeah, but the real unicorn isn’t seen until 3:10.
I think the look he’s going for is “kid who lives with his parents in Diamond Bar, goes to community college, and spends all his money on tricking out his ‘03 Civic and street racing it in Irwindale at night.”
How about using his mugshot like every other major news outlet?
Goodass sportsmom.
This makes me so jealous. My mom only interrupts me with updates on her fibromyalgia and birthday wishes for the wrong grandchild.
Wouldn’t the teams you beat have been worse?
Kobe’s post-retirement statue is going to look pretty epic when they put it right under Shaq’s ass.
Can we still masturbate at the computer stations?
I just think it is cool that Elijah Wood has found some work after Lord Of The Rings.
And they said Kobe couldn’t get people up out of their seats anymore.
This barely even qualifies as a conspiracy theory anymore. Sad it doesn’t get more play in debunking the Reagan Myth.
The latest info involves George Joannides, who handled the anti-Castro Cubans in Florida and the ones who had a run-in with Oswald in New Orleans in ‘63. He was also the liaison between the CIA and the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s, even though the CIA was specifically charged with not using…
No surprise—there hasn’t been a Cup in Edmonton in 25 years.
Sam, its not the snowstorm. They just realized they have to depend on you for their formative years
Put the car in a lower gear than you’re currently in and ease (EASE) off the clutch. The lower gear will run at a higher RPM, naturally slowing you down.