It's not functional yet me and millions of others people enjoy it fine?
It's not functional yet me and millions of others people enjoy it fine?
You need to learn the difference between detached desensitization and emotional maturity. I don't want to be complicit in Trevor's terrible behavior because I've known people like Trevor, and it hits too close to home. I don't want to be one of those people, even in a video game. That's not a fantasy I want to…
I think you're wrong about Trevor. I actively dislike the character because, frankly, he's too real. I've known people like Trevor. The ones who go from nice, happy-go-lucky to rage-fueled psychopath with seamingly no reason to set them off. People who can speak to you perfectly rationally about complex political…
I'm not saying time limits are better. I'm just saying they're not a big enough deal to cause you to miss anything that's in the game. At least, they never have been in previous Mario games.
Right. It's not pushing tbe boudaries of realism. It's just realism.
Because it hits too close to home. Believe it or not, I've known people just like Trevor. When Michael refers to him as "Hell walking on Earth," he's absolutely right. That's what people like that are.
I said this in another thread, but it seems relevant here. I completely agree with you about Trevor, and here's why:
It's not the murder that makes Trevor sickening. For better or worse killing people in video games is old-hat. It's the way he manipulates the weak people around him. The way his meth buddies fawn over him while they're afraid of him at the same time. The way he takes over and intimidates people into first…
Did you ever feel you could stand still and look around?
My problem with the writing is just that he's all over the place. He's not crazy in one way, and he's not even crazy all the time.
The servers were up, they were just slammed. There's no way to 100% stress test servers until the public gets in. These kind of issues are to be expected with any major online game at launch. The issues with Sim City were with game design decisions which kept players from playing even the single player game. …
R* should have learned from those mistakes and had the game running online 100% beforehand
The difference is that Sim City didn't even have a functioning single player game due to the online requirement. Also, many of the features EA hyped about the game turned out to be complete bullshit.
.gif is an acronym for Graphics Interchange Format. Seeing as the word "graphics" has a hard "G," not a soft one, it only makes sense to carry that hard "G" to the abreviation as well.
Yeah, I'm working my way through the single player while I wait. It
should take me at least a few more days, so I'm in no hurry.
Nice try, but we all know you meant "derisive." Derivative doesn't make any sense in the context in which you used it.
I can't remember ever feeling rushed by the time limit in any Mario game.
You're forgetting a vital point:
Mario has been a lot of things throughout the years, but I don't recall him ever being sloppy or unbalanced.
It's sad when people who only own one particular system have to justify their purchases by being derivative of other console/pc owners.