generic knobs

What's Scarier, The Evil Within Or Duck Dynasty?

My greatest personal regret in life is that the games industry is the way it is, because it means I can't earn a stable living doing what I love. I develop business software instead, and I make at least twice as much money, rarely work more than 40 hours a week, and have great benefits.

I would LOVE a Russian Revolution Assassin's Creed game. They have graphic novels depicting this time, and it's my favourite bit of AC history.

The Assassins were leaders of communist revolutions, but the Templar would work to corrupt these socialist revolutions both from within and without with capitalism. They would

I'm sad There isn't a hot guy I can do the same with and whisper "S-senpai" in his ear via the motion tracking, As realistic next gen water drips from his next gen biceps because he's part of the swim team and he can reach out and pat my head and it would be Sugoi!

the deepest house in the Seven Kingdoms

If he had any sense, he would point his gun at the real threat: diabetes.

If this lackluster Excelmanship is any indication, this is a man who lacks passion.

I didn't even think she looked bad or anything. That just gave FemShep an air of utter badass who takes no bullshit from anyone. I think it worked.

Screw it. You can do it at my place.


"When he came home after working a 12-hour day and found me and the baby home with the stomach flu, I assumed he already knew the answer to the question, "Can I go for a bike ride?" He didn't. If I didn't say, "No," he would leave me there, tossing chunks while I cleaned up baby poop."

Give your interior a more homey feel by redoing the light switch.

Here's a thing it took me a very long time to learn: people complain about how they just "don't understand" certain minority groups. It used to be leveled mostly at LGB individuals, but as acceptance for gay marriage increases, I've noticed that less. Now I see it mostly directed at trans* people. Some cis people will

An internet acquaintance of mine is a trans woman, and she made a comment about somebody at a shop using the wrong pronouns and she said "I know I don't pass as a cis woman, but I'm clearly id'ing as a woman, dude." overwhelming number of the comments here are transantagonistic and/or downright misogynistic (calling janet mock a bitch?!?!?!). clearly so many people have not been paying close attention to, well, anything. whenever issues of gender identity and/or race come up here on jezebel, the comments never cease to

It's interesting how the transphobes on Jezebel down here tend to be burner accounts with usernames that are two random dictionary words smashed together.

...not all man holes are always covered

Remove the toilet seat and lid. It is just a pain to clean. Learn to hover!

My father's brother's nephew's cousin's former Native American roommate doesn't have a problem with this.