generic knobs

yeah, i never once thought "she walks like a dude", just "she walks like a war hero".

yeah, this shit is ridic. really really depressing. I wish the mods would step it up.

Where are the mods today? This comment section is horrible. Christ.

Right. When I see a man using the stereotypical "power posture" or behavior or whatever, especially if it's an executive, I see them as uncontrolled and lacking discipline. Whereas I see women in that "coiled" position as being much more in control of their bodies, which is a lot more powerful characteristic to me

This is true, but it definitely doesn't end with rush. The uniform just moves on to oversized frat party t-shirts and running shorts.

I actually addressed that quite in-depth. I tried to have a conversation with you on a personal level and try to explain something important about the way I see the world, not debate theory with you. But clearly you're not interested in even attempting understanding, so I'm out. Good luck and please do try to find

You literally know *nothing* about me or what I "buy into". Notice I didn't identify my gender. That's because even though I have a relatively binary gender presentation, as in, I typically dress and act and relate to people in a way that is relatively stereotypical of a gender and prefer the pronouns associated with

So, here's the question I have for you. Why is it so important to define people - by the pronouns you use, for example - by their genitals? Because really, all that I, as a trans person, want is autonomy over my body and the language that is used to describe me. That and safety and respect, of course. All the rest is

Not really a "disorder", but we'll call them out on the one where we try not to be gross and police other people's identities. Seriously, what is your fucking deal? He seems comfortable with himself. How does his labels affect you one iota?

You're the one pushing puritanical-like morality, trying to put people into boxes that they don't want to be put in. You should try to expand your mind a little. Everything isn't black and white. Life is much more interesting than that.

My partner is in a similar boat. Have you tried cannabis? Even if it doesn't make the pain go away completely, it can make it a lot easier to deal with.

Doesn't that seem like a lot of cultural baggage to put on a little person that just got here?

Oh my god. Then it would be like a perfect life simulation.

I have done this a few times and on large scale. I know I'm a piece of shit for it, but sometimes I just like to disappear and start over. Though, I never have really done this to anyone I was close to, I guess. Just acquaintances and casual friends.

Lol. "Standard English". I'm going to guess that you've spent time in any low income public schools. Your last paragraph is extraordinarily classist - *maybe* racist, too, but that's harder to tell because dog whistles are hard to hear.

I know a young man who carries a gorgeous, yellow, fake-ostrich-skin purse when he wears a suit. It's fabulous. Though, he is super, duper queer, so...

Can you please actually tweet this at her? Right now, it's the best comment I've seen in weeks. If you were to actually tweet it, it could become one of the best internets that I've ever seen, period.

Now playing

I think focusing specifically on actual appearance like this is missing the point, I have a few artistic collaborators, and we talk a lot about ugly people (and call ourselves ugly) like this. It's really about being an outcast - being made to feel hated and worthless - and all the wonderful and incredible things that


*Evolutionary* psychology, which in many cases is suspect as actual science. It may be my ignorance here, but most of what I've seen from the field has just been heavy conjecture reinforcing things like archaic gender stereotypes.