She just heard about it so it must be new to everyone.
"I think it's important to know where your food comes from and I have no idea how the USDA grades beef."
Just like action figures....wait.
When over-the-hill columnists go on their "basketball isn't as good as it used to be because everything is called a foul and the players are friends because they grew up playing AAU together" rants, I sigh like everybody else. But one thing that does seem to be less prominent in the present-NBA is relentless shit…
It's all right there.
Dude got traveled on!
Deleted because it was mean.
I have no idea who this man is and I absolutely love him.
How do we know Google is telling the truth though?
And, frankly, disappointed it wasn't used like 10 times.
Do you believe 20% of all college aged women have been raped?
And then California came along and made it true.
Wow, so your reproductive fantasy is essentially the same as a 20 year old college student's.
Classic strategy, dismiss ones opinion or attempt to engage as a "strategy."
He's a high school student...
He's a high school student...
Chloe sold her mom for retweets! Take off your blinders!
Anthony Pinnisi says he was just joking when he asked his friend Chloe if he could take her mom to prom if he got 500,000 retweets, but when she agreed, he didn't just laugh it off and ask someone age-appropriate, he started a creepy Twitter campaign complete with the mom's bikini pics.
I think it's literally just the standard tests and trials actually. I don't think there's been any issues with the product itself.