
And hey, it turns out their reticence was completely justified!

"the 90s"

According to ABC7, Boyce has been suspended (with pay) from his job, and the school has launched an investigation into an altercation he had with a student, seen in the video below:

But the stories SWTOR told were good! The game dropped us into the midst of a Cold War between the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, the stalemate having lasted for 10 years in the wake of 30 years of conflict before that. As the war begins to reignite, you can be a Sith trying to thwart conspiracies from within, or

In 2013, the FBIadded Shakur to the top ten most wanted list—the first woman, yay?—and upped her ransom from $1 million to $2 million. Who says COINTELPRO is dead and gone?

No, you don't understand that rich people don't need college degrees. I find that amazing.

Huh? A wealthy White girl does not have more to lose. She has far less to lose because she is wealthy. Going to college is just gravy if you're wealthy. Poor minorities need to go to college if they can because,ultimately, the point of education and training is money.

And besides, how is the Black community paying for all those abortions if this is all about money?

The reason is that only (some) white people use contraception in any numbers that matter. That's not an economic issue nearly as much as it is a cultural one. Condoms are freely available as in they are free.

Pregnancy rate is basically the same. Black girls have way more abortions too. These are CDC numbers, btw.

And yet these two things both fall within the category of "things that hurt the Black community." O'Reilly's a dick but the idea that teen pregnancy rates are off the table for general discussion is totally arbitrary.

It's almost like you're willfully this ignorant. The truth isn't a threat, it's an opportunity. Tighten up your game.

But his statement very much betrays his Bill O'Reilly-ness in thinking that Obama, or minorities in general, should care what he thinks from his Fox News perch.

The internet is FULL of resources on how to be an anti-racist ally... do some googling instead of expecting this author to spoon feed you answers on how to stop feeling white guilt.



Great point, it makes my stomach hurt a little bit to think that this key point was left out. Namely that money. It bothers me that the two girl's cases were presented as identical though because they weren't.

So, you just seem to have linked to your own Twitter account over and over.

Sexualizing her?
