Reclining moves the tray and takes away tray table air space and can easily knock over bottles and cups. My wife was trying to sleep on her tray tables as suggested once and the person in front of her reclined and smashed her head.
Reclining moves the tray and takes away tray table air space and can easily knock over bottles and cups. My wife was trying to sleep on her tray tables as suggested once and the person in front of her reclined and smashed her head.
Dont be afraid to go to the bathroom. Fart in your seat. Take up your space. you only need to recline your seat an inch or so to sleep.(fuck off before you go “actually thats all the way back hurhurhur”)
The ways in which you can wear a hat depend on multiple things such as type of hat, the setting in which said hat will be worn in, you as a person and your Prince Factor. One must have a very high Prince factor to wear a hat however you please.
overnight flights. theyll naturally sleep through most of it.
Theyre literally claiming all the credit when all they did was drop him off at the airport.
now that is a quality headline.
You mean she doesnt donate millions to help fund children and teachers? Multiple time honors from Unicef? Working with multiple foundations to help people suffering from AIDS/HIV? Multiple projects to aid breast cancer fighters? multiple donations and events to help the victims of california wildfires? Yeah shes just…
Looks about white.
you sure that wasnt a Dos Toros?
Well when they have to pick up so much slack for Red states can you blame them?
I only ever found 1 spot to glitch through back on the PS3 version. It was the alley behind the hairdresser near the beverly hills area. You could climb on top of the hood of a car and them climb into the building by this one door. Never got many kills in there but was killed a shitload near it which is how I found it.
Whens it gonna get him , in his sleep or 7 feet ahead of him?
My son ended up in the NICU for a good stretch. Had a heart abnormality we knew about. Finally clear to go home and a week later has a fever, go back in and its viral and causing meningitis cue close to 3 weeks again in nicu. 1 month later its time foe heart surgery which led to 2 weeks in PICU.
Hope they handle the griefers better than GTA does. GTA turns youre dot red and youre supposed to be worth more to kill but its not enough of an incentive.
He was ego lifting in that those lifts hurt the ego of the other guy.
Sprinkling? Its the fucking bones of it.
I feel like they were trying to imply that Hydra was a bunch of separate cells working together and happened to be lovecraftian nazis. Defenders tried this with the HAND but didnt quite pull it off (one finger does real estate another deals in drugs one trains foot soldiers etc etc). Also in the comics not everyone in…
Showing up and asking is the process asshole. You cant ask for aasylum outside the physical US. You have to be within the borders of the US to request it.
My dad had been driving for close to 30 years as a NYC driver. He spent the first 20 of those years as a gypsy cab driver until he said fuck it upgraded his car town car and became a VIP livery driver through his own company. He used the connections he made over the years to build a small network of drivers and…