
Asking for asylum is legal you fucking turd.

in at least 12 boxes. Like I said you get loot boxes for new modes(modes change everyday) and some modes may give you more than 1 lootbox. Also the only limit to you levelling up is yourself.

You just have to play the arcade modes. you get a loot box every 3 wins for the 1st 9 wins. you also get loot boxes for winning a game mode you havent won before. Factor in leveling up and you can get at least 4 crates a week.

None of the writers anywhere on GMG are.

If they had such high standards why did they hire him in the first place? These tweets came to light over 5 years ago when he was hired and he apologized then.

They dont want to. I lived in a socialist country for a yea. My back hurt and I saw a GP and a specialist and had multiple tests done. Out of pocket cost? 75 Euros.

Except doubling my medicare tax is still less than what I pay for for my insurance. Looking at my pay stubs I pay less than $50 every two weeks in the medicare tax but I pay more than $200 every two weeks for insurance. I would come out with an extra $100 for me per check.

Each hospital has a master book with all the prices they have negotiated with the insurance companies. Those are beefed up prices that do not represent a true cost. With MFA it will be the US govt negotiating those prices and getting it down closer to cost. 

People are dying now.


For the first person: Every mountain climber has the goal of climbing back down from that summit. Yeah you got to the top but you cant stay up there. Do what real mountain climbers do. Enjoy the view, meditate, see how far youve come and then pick up your pack and get off that frozen wasteland(and preferably pick up

So all women who wear weaves and wigs are as bald as a Dora Milaje?

yup. They actually end up with lower levels of mostly everything. The Olympics committee looked at some studies and saw that 3 years post transition is where things start to level off and have a rule that trans athletes have to wait 3 years post op/transition to compete.

the problem with using those kinds of metrics is that there is a lot of overlap in many metrics. Take combat sports and bone density for example. bone density is one of the things that constantly gets brought up when it comes to transgender fighters BUT there is a sizeable overlap on the naturally occuring upper limit

Sounds like some of the places Trevor wakes up at.

Where can a guy get a good shower?

He probably doesnt expect to live past 5 years in retirement.

Ah the good ol’ McGangbang. A chicken burger nestled inside a Double Big Mac.

Of course they dont have to adhere to standards....theyre cops.

I prefer more of a aesthetic trailer. Shoot some stuff that nails down the vibe of the movie and characters and show that.