
People also still getting Disney Paychecks.

No it didnt. It was still turning a profit. There have been numerous articles about this. Toys R Us was bought out in the 2000s by Romney and then Romney shifted the debt over to TRU. They also charged TRU ridiculous high consultation fees and then slowly bled it dry over the years. Romneys company offloaded debt and

toys r us was still turning a profit though.

Yup notice the lean and the small bite. Slight hand wipe to get the juice thats dribbling down the side of his mouth.

If only there were some other role or capacity that ScarJo could be in in this film that the company she owns is making. Gosh darnit why is the only role in a film “actor”? If only there was something, anything, she could do besides act in what her company is producing?!?! Too bad there is only 1 side to the camera

I feel like Overwatch is different because the fan content doesnt really make it in the actual game. While some of the Dance emotes do have actual real world origins theyre changed enough from the source to not be straight up theft like Fortnite.(the closest to a real world dance was Zaryas dance and im not sure if

It just should be a multicultural team that should include people with first and second hand knowledge of the area and culture at the very least advising. Brooklyn Gamery is the gaming company that started GDoC and theyre a trio of diverse people.

I was at the first one 3 years ago before they moved uptown. One of the major points of it was group discussions about what video games mean to us and then connecting a lot of the younger kids in the crowd to makerspaces and game jams and local coding camps. The people who created the event, Brooklyn Gamery, are

No it wasnt. Takahashi saw what fans were doing in America at Worldcon and came up with the term. Up to that point it was simply called Masquerade in the states but that term in Japan was more synonymous with fancy dress instead of he was seeing.

Also remember that if you substitute with protein shakes that plant based ones are higher in heavy metals.

The scare quotes as you put them is not there to be emotional but to differentiate the type of protein she is talking about even further. There is what we call animal protein and what we call plant protein

That gonna have it rough growing up......

I was a CPS worker and these CACs are so important. Being on the right side of that 2 way mirror listening to these interviews just tears at you.

Its with the hope of someone getting a brain injury. Its not a guarantee.

How is she salty? She provided proof straight from the source.

Well this isnt a normal administration.

I never really did all the new modes and stuck to missions but I tried SLasher and Deadline over the weekend and was pleasantly surprised.

Its all theyre allowed to ask them.

Its isnt a residential facility. These kids are with foster families and the ones seen here are probably in the day care program.

Shes more of a Diadem type person.