Such a heavy burden to bear.
Such a heavy burden to bear.
I feel that DC through their storytelling has turned their characters into concepts. They have become Abstract Forms(in the Plato sense) and that just doesnt translate well to film. Its great for comics but horrible for films.
You dont pull punches against Nazis.
The thing with Watchmen though is that it hewed pretty close to the source material. A couple of things were pruned down and simplified which happens when changing mediums but it was overall pretty faithful. I was in the theaters with my hardcover of Watchmen and over half of the movie was pulled straight from the…
Back when I was younger I was trying to open something with a swis army knife( I forget what it was). Since the knife wasnt the sharpest my hand slipped and I cut pretty deep into the tip of my thumb. We didnt have insurance so getting stitches wasnt an option and a bandaid wasnt going to close that wound. I had my…
Just a request to barbers and stylists: Can you get your finger out of my fucking eye when you’re lining me up?
I dont really do veggies and am on Keto so my vitamins help make up for it. My issue is that I hate standard multivitamins and take these cool effervescent ones I get from Scandinavia. Whenever I have friends coming back and forth I tell them to bring me about 20 Euros worth of them.
I too constantly try the walk away wave.
the vast majority of europe is to the left of the US even the really conservative parts of europe.
Gay defines who they want to bang and the gender nonconforming is how they want to present themselves as they bang. This individual does not fit in the box of what society says someone with a penis OR vagina should look like but is totally about getting some D.
So im not good at general trivia but I am good at movie trivia.
RFID doesnt track realtime btw.
Actually plant sources are worse for you since they contain a lot of heavy metals.
she wasnt jaywalking
Unlike the audience I see what you did there.
Its not about keeping it lily white but that while rebooting it they did not talk to any of the original cast or crew. Coombs and Milano werent just actresses but producers of the show and helped build it in front of and behind the camera.
The sullying comes from not talking to ANY of the original cast or crew. No input from previous actors producers or directors.
You mean when they murdered a protestor in Charlotesville? ? When they assaulted minorities at Trumps rallies?
greatest fighting series of all time.
Thanks for that tip. Ill take another look through the options and see if any are index funds(theres 28 options so hopefully theres 1 or 2)