
Reminds me of a shooter situation here in NYC a few years back. Guy got fired so he went back and shot his former boss and someone else at Empire State building. A shoot out commenced with the police with 10 people getting hit. Most of them got hit by the cops.

So im setting up my wifes 401(k) (her job offers but mine doesnt) But Im not seeing any index funds listed. Noob ass questions but are the stock funds the index funds? Theyre offering stock funds and blended funds to choose from.

I love how Seth can just hand the reigns over to his staff and let them shine. Some of the shows best bits barely involve him....which is how a late night talk show should be.

yup yet alas they dont get it. Science says one thing but society and culture refuse to pick it up unless it involves a boot strap.

Time spent showering or sleeping is time that could have been spent studying. The less you shower and sleep the more hardcore and dedicated you are.

Depends...whens math class?

Ugh 7:30am is too fucking early to deal with getting shot at in school.

Sure they might offer insurance but is that insurance affordable?

They do quit as mentioned in the article and hop from brewery to brewery hoping for better management and work conditions.

Yup I worked retail and we constantly got hit up. A few times we would catch them mid act but the biggest hits were done quietly and quickly. Once a guy just stole 5 $100+ jackets from the front of the store in less than 4 seconds.

Because your ok with anti-lgbtq if it gets you small government?

Hey you cant control how the teams decide to play within the parameters of the game but you can control things that would lead to embarrassing technical issues.

I feel like Either Goyer or Nolan gave the unofficial direction to Ledger that he definitely has some military experience. Im trying to find the article now.

Too risky. How unprofessional would it look if they cant reconnect due to a bug they know about.

Whats funny is that that was Finlands only win and they have done nothing to recapture that. This year was the girl who did that “what languages sound like to other people” video from a few years back. She rode that horse to some decent success but nowhere near Lordi.

I still cant get over that a few years ago Germany sent in Cascada.

I think the switch has come from the more sportsy influences with a pocket being a specific zone(in this case the healing zone).

so if your landlord doesnt cash your check til weeks after then what?

two to be exact.

they do nothing for safety. Absolutely zero.