
Remember to take it out on politicians that do the budgeting and not the sitters.

So are we gonna get some prostate cancer skins then for RoadHog? Skin Cancer skins for Junkrat? following down and cant get up skins for Soldier?(its because hes old).

Any thoughts on Au Pairs?

I got them on VHS.

Back when I got married about 6 years ago instead of cake we had magnolia cupcakes. It came out cheaper and funner. Also there was a Magnolia like 3 blocks away.


No. Univision bought The Root in 2015 and then GMG in 2016 and folded the Root into GMG in 2017.

no they didnt. the Root was created and run separately since like 2008. in 2015 Univision bought The Root and then folded it into GMG in 2017 after univision bought GMG in 2016.

Yes that was the point of the article. bunch of dumb moves by corporate that does not know what they are working with.

the problem wasnt Latinx it was hiring wrong people and going for video instead of articles. Its right in the article. you can yell and throw a shit tantrum all you want about the progressing world all you want but that leaves you in the dying demo everyone outside of Fox is shifting away from.

The edginess wasnt the problem it was who they hired to be edgy that was the problem. Staying the course is a bad move because staying the course meant appealing to a literally dying demographic.

GMG no but the Fusion side yes. It was a separate division.

I imagine many of the workers are Dreamers so yeah they had every right to be nervous.

So they could use 3 words or 1 word and they went with 1 word and you are upset about that? This isnt a highschool paper were you have to meet a word count.

Some of them in the more specialized roles probably. Where theres technical work(rigging camerawork etc) there are unions but I doubt the vast majority of the employees are in a union.

Well shit. This is pretty much Toys R Us all over again?

You could have 7 if you werent afraid of needles around your genitals.

Drug use isnt about doing something bad its about doing something that makes life more tolerable for just a tiny bit. To them drugs arent the problem, theyre the answer and LIFE is the problem.

Theyre not helping them theyre watching. Theyre encouraging them to use clean needles and then intervening if shit goes south(souther I guess).

From what I recall my professors saying is that you get a nice big room and you have some attendants in there that just walk around and keep track of people. Theres a desk with someone who has the pamphlets and has fresh needles and needle cleaning kits and literature on that.