Its also older than those metro systems and has to deal with more people.
Its also older than those metro systems and has to deal with more people.
Well if its a city of like 50 people yeah. NYC is a big proper city.
Come on. The stops are right there in the video. How do you call the same stop both the West Side and Midtown as if theyre videos of different stops.
Yeah the title says Prevent not cure. Little reading comprehension dont hurt or in this case reading comprehension saves lives.
Or you can feed your baby some thai food. I mean the names sound like baby sounds already. Goo Mai Rah Kyeow, Kao Moo Dang, Prang Ran, Pad See Eiw.
I think the main issue is Jack-Jack. yeah elasti-girl raised the two other kids but they didnt randomly blink from existence or try to blast her face off.
And now even more reason to travel to Japan.
Its not the medical industry lining its pockets its the insurance industry.
Yes I will. most insurances cost several hundred per month on top of my 50 a month to medicare taken out in taxes. Single payer eliminate the several hundred and maybe double the 50.
Ugh I hate people who dont get that Marvel is all about mantles which can and are passed down. Brie Larson isnt playing a once male character she is playing a character who assumed the mantle of the person who gave(for lack of a better term) her powers. They didnt make Thor female they gave a woman (who has been…
I dont think it works for Portuguese due to the pronunciation of Portuguese words. Spanish has a crisper pronunciation that allows for this neutral word.
ESPECIALLY the monogamous hetero ones.
So you just proved the writers point. Your minimalism is not out of choice. Your FIL isnt hurting from his clutter and wouldnt gain or lose anything from minimalism. you’re not angry at minimalism you are angry that you cant afford clutter.
the thing is no one is suggesting moderation anymore. Its a hack it down to nothing minimalism that everyone keeps preaching. Like the article mentioned most minimalist articles when it comes to savings or life in general are unattainable for the poor or average.
My wife and i used to watch Project runway quite a bit. We would be really invested in the first 4 or 5 episodes and then it was all meh dont care about these people anymore. The most fun part for us was looking for models that we knew.
My wife and I are now unwilling cosleepers. Baby wouldnt sleep in his crib but would knock out in our bed. Fuck it it worked and as soon as we get him to understand a bit better hes going right back in the crib.
How come the scorpion didnt get to go to high school huh? They aint all dropouts. Hell they even got a Kang!
the steps you take dont need to be big; they just need to take you in the right direction.
Learned about this when I was a teen. The church I used to go to has this huge meeting in Miami. Some of use decided to drive down instead of flying since its cheaper. One year the church rented one of those huge 20 people vans and sent it on down. I think we were just south of Orlando when the van got pulled over.…
ACS isnt whitey. ACS is staffed and run primarily by people of color.