
We are all fucked up in some way. You just gotta hope that you prepare him to deal with that fuckedupness in an appropriate manner.

Psh i pay 1400 for a 1bedroom in Queens NYC. Fuck that guy.

I would like to add that ACS doesnt necessarily criminalize black and brown motherhood but instead criminalizes poverty. Its PEOPLE that criminalize a broke black or brown mother.

Im former ACS worker and the motto is “When in doubt pull them out”. Its better for the kid and parents to go through the removal process than there being a chance that kid could get hurt or killed. Also most workers wont remove on their own emergency powers but instead take it to court and let the judge decide. ACS

I wonder if any other Japanese brands are partnering with Marimekko here in the states. Theres a strong bond between the two nations.

I wonder if any other Japanese brands are partnering with Marimekko here in the states. Theres a strong bond between

Had this issue recently.

I started at birth. My sons name is Sky Walker.

One of my old go tos on Avenue A did the serve yourself water. It frees up the bartender also.

Most offices and public restrooms are automoated so you cant actually choose your water temp.

Did this once in Jr high.

COBRA is also ridiculously expensive.

Psh I had metal detectors and xray machines and I still snuck in my daily screwdriver.

different artist prioritize different things. Her paying job is as a storyboarder for a Cartoon Network show so I dont think she wants to put substandard art out there. The thing about her webcomic is that it encompasses such a wide subject matter that she can throw out an easy joke when she needs to.

Its why Jackman just stayed a jacked man between Wolverine roles.

Watching some of the highlights posted here have definitely helped me a bit.

That tends to mean the artist is busy with actual job.

When the jokes get simple and about videogames it tends to mean the artist is swamped with her paying job.

Mines are always fun in multiplayer games. In GTA:O I just drive past people and drop one as best as I can. The proximity mine was a game changer for me.

Unfortunately there is no path to citizenship for people like her.
