I recline about an inch. thats far enough for my head to relax and not loll forward while I sleep.
I recline about an inch. thats far enough for my head to relax and not loll forward while I sleep.
Well Knives is a little more fleshed out and independent from Scott.
Yeah he had a way better arc and then theres the added layer that Scott himself is also a victim of Gideon. I feel like people forget that part.
Comic Scott actually has an excuse or at the very least an explanation for a lot of his behavior that is hinted at once or twice but never explored on. The Comic leaves you feeling a bit better than the movie.
No prom was a threat towards the end of the school year to keep rowdy students in check.
Giving birth to a healthy baby costs on average 9k for a vaginal birth and up to 12k for c section. Insurance agencies are losing out a bit on this thanks to ACA but its all been factored into the cost years ago.
Yup exactly. We can handle those older people with those issues on 60 a month now so all the younger people will require even less.
Not completely no. There always will be some profit motive and some is needed. What Universal does is it removes the middle leaches and drive costs down with multiple other factors. Insurance conmpanies are a mark up so boom thats one level gone. Then you have the more natural cost drops in that hospitals stop or…
A lot of things are too urgent for the stable long term fix. The answer is clearly Universal Healthcare the next question is how do we fund it? The answer to that is the same as everywhere else: taxes.
ACA made it so that his Insurance had to cover the heart surgery. Could he have afforded it without the insurance? Yeah he admitted that and he also said his monologue was more for the people that cant afford that. My son was born with a similar heart condition and I know I would not have been able to afford to 900K…
While his name is on the show he doesnt run or decide all that. He works for ABC which works for Disney and they decide on insurance and things like that. From my friends who work for ABC TV there are several decent health insurance packages. One friend pays 160 a month for a family plan.
Yes but not even necessary. If we take all the money people spend on private insurance and put that into medicare it will definitely be able to handle the load of Universal Healthcare. Right now I pay 60 a month to medicare in my check but Insurance is closer to 400 a check.
Taxes. Right now on average the premium for a family plan is close to 1500 a month. This tends to be split between employer and employee. Most insurers require that the employer cover at least half so that leaves the employee paying 750 a month or 375 per check. So instead of paying that to private for profit…
Not so much a financial woe for him but a realization for the plight of the common people which he was born into. His insurance would not have covered the surgery and who knows how much more expensive the surgery would have been if ACA hadnt helped in keeping costs from skyrocketing normally.
I also feel that the religion isnt all that fleshed out.
Because I cant afford to move into Manhattan? Because there is no one hiring in my field for the work I do outside of Manhattan?
Not new news. There was an AMA a while back ago that mentioned this. Whenever you go over the bridge you can actually feel it slow down even further.
Oh god this series.
Theres a Twitter for just the drug stuff. It gets a bit repetitive but there is some gold in there.
I remember Pokemon being on in the morning as well. There were two cartoon blocks on basic tv: kinda early in the morning before school and then the after school block which was then followed by the Toonami Block on Cartoon Network.