
Been trying to get my wife and my younger sister to contribute to theirs. Right now theres a delicate line of how much each can afford to stow away for later until raises kick in.

Your Roth isnt tax free. You pay the tax up front in your paycheck.

Well thats the thing isnt it? Its top down change being pushed by people already ahead. They can afford to lose a job or two because they benefitted to much from their privelage.

Its not just a foreign language but a specific dialect that the author is learning about. Culturally speaking Colombia is unique. It was one of the only countries down there to get near super power status and had 3 other countries break away from it. Geographically it is the only South American Country to have borders

Ive heard it used as that kind of drunk where a hangover is guaranteed.

Its probably because you use the wrong Colombia.

Yeah Colombian spanish has a lot of things going on.

What do you think Twitterfingers crib sheet will say this time?

I dont think it was only the strain. A lot of Powerlifters/strongmen sniff some ammonia before a lift and if they sniff too much too hard itll cause a nosebleed.

Except that exceedingly...they dont act. They become the character they become another person and they are no longer Actor A playing character B but become Character Actor AB. Look at all these actors hooking up with costars, its because they transfer the feelings of the character on the page to the actor across from

lmao its also hilariously wrong.

Read about this yesterday. My preferred protein is on the worst list so once im done with tub im going to luck for a better solution. I average about 4 scoops of protein powder a day over the past year.

there is but one Life and one Life only... and there arent that many white people in it.

No I got it as latin-ex because when I say the words Latino or Latina I say it in spanish. It flows properly when used in spanish. It doesnt flow with Espanol Real but fuck them colonizers.

Life was a great movie. Great chemistry between Eddie and Martin. The way they shows them grow old together as times change amazes me.

Down almost 40lbs in 11 months so far. I know I could have lost more if I stuck to the keto for longer stretches but thats life sometimes. I know Ive actually lost more than 40lbs of fat because I powerlift and have noticed my muscles getting larger(quads in particular). My goal weight is 175 lbs so which I ope to hit

So are we going to get some posts about actually good TV? Like Legends, Flash, And AoS?

Because we didnt have Predator drones and precision missiles in Vietnam and we arent fighting people in the middle east we are fighting an idea in the middle east.

Yeah no its Billy Will and Joe Peters and Uncle Bobbys collection of Ars.

Thats my reply to whenever someone says its to defend against government tyranny. Also some dumbfuck said the only reason China hasnt marched on the US is because of all the armed citizens...these people are out there somehow surviving when they clearly do not have the basic intelligence to do anything.