
I think the issue they have is with the likes of Meltzer who hides behind “Well this was one of the plans but things change” as their defense of any wrong reporting.

My wife is Nordic.

Why do you think hes at his golf properties so much?

My job does Magnolia Cupcakes since theyre like 2 blocks away. We have the messengers pick them up.

Olympic level mental gymnastics breaking through.

Yeah a lot of these also target single people with the whole uproot yourself moves somewhere cheap and live like a hermit stuff.

There is no federal law on school corporal punishment though. Over 100k students in the US get paddled every year.

So theyre giving her a watered down version of Asukas gimmick?

“Looking at my phone because I cant stand that motherfucker Caillou”

Because people are conditioned to think anything vegetable based is good for you. what we conceive as healthy and good is distorted and even organic stuff has more carbs than you think. People dont realize how much carbs is in ketchup because they dont know what an actual serving is.

Not really. Even HFCS free ketchup has carbs in it. Keto aims for 20grams of carbs per day and 1 ketchup serving has more than 10% of that and ketchup servings are tiny and no one only has 1 serving.

Im hispanic so growing up all my meals had substantial amounts of carbs on the side. What was difficult was actually the snacking and chocolate.

I feel that carbs are sneakier than fat. Who the hell is expecting 3 grams of carbs in 1 tiny serving of ketchup?

With low carb you cant be unprepared. You have to meal prep and give up a lot of stuff. When I was first looking into it I was looking at my normal snacks from the store and all of them were well over 30grams of carbs.

Keto is attainable but it just looks nothing like a healthy diet. I have done true keto and soft keto over the past year. True keto is fucking hard. Its a soul crushing grind but its full of amazing food that we have been programmed to look at as bad.

Ok so no baby carrots and no grape tomatoes no grapes no starwberries or blueberries. gotcha.

I do keto aka low carb and Ive lost 40lbs within a year. Most of that was in a 3 month period where I was really strict(sub 30 grams of carbs per day). During this time frame I also did a lot of powerlifting so while I lost 40lbs of bodyweight the actual fat loss was much higher(My quads have gotten huge). These


The 3 actors one is the only difficult one the others are pretty simple.

I know how you feel. The closest thing I ever got to finding new stuff was in God Of War 2 when I found a spot that let me chain together hits on a monster to get 300 consecutive hits.