
Remember that legally its not that spanking is allowed but excessive corporal punishment is now allowed. There can be no lasting emotional or physical damage from the punishment. What this tends to boil down to in Family Court and as seen by most law enforcement that gets involved in this sort of thing is: open hand

Theres a bit of this going around the Powerlifting community as well. Powerliftingwomen has had more than a few stories from lifters who had been assaulted by their coaches. the #metoo movement is reaching a lot of communities right now and its a great step forward to get rid of predators.

Pass by this place a lot and only been in like 2 times on Bar Crawling appropriate holidays(not any kind of -con, actual holidays). There are much better bars less than a block away. This is the kind of dive you dont go to even if you like dives.

Dont confuse laziness for corruption.

Cops will fight each other for not recognizing a PBA card they gave a friend or family member. a lot of smokers start over these cards.

I got a 1 year old, a full time job, new hobby/passion in powerlifing and I really dont have time to dive headfirst like I know I do into these worlds and obsess on them. I really only have time to maybe squeeze out a match or two on Overwatch or quickly team up with a buddy to do a mission or sell some biker drugs or

The solution is what you suggested. More tenant and consumer protection. We need better laws or better enforcement against insane rent hikes and the like.

The issue isnt businesses per say but more along the lines of landlords and realtors. They have 1 goal and that is to make money. Theyre gonna see youre friends project and use that as an excuse to raise rents. Rents go up, locals move out, hipsters move in further gentrifying and then the hipsters get priced out for

The throttling makes sense. There was an imbalance and they addressed it. The problem is that the way they addressed it and the way they went about letting people know they addressed it(which was not at all).

Dont you know that pro assassins in manga always do some weird shit?

No there was an attempted buy out where Comcast tried to buy a large part of “internet backbone”. They said it was an effort to make their customers tier 1 when in reality it would have made tier 1 their customers. My memory is hazy on the exact details.

They thought of that and use various networks from the looks of their FAQ. They did a lot of research due to comcast shenanigans a few years ago.

Probably throws a few packets out and gauges the network and then throws a video out and sees if there is a difference.

when I moved back to the states I was about 2lbs over the limit.

After my sons heart surgery I started doing Keto dieting and I think I managed to go about 2 months without beer. At first it was annoying but I think after week 3 i stopped noticing that I wasnt drinking beer.

SO theyre basically bell curve? A few really good ones a few really bad ones and everyone else kind of falls in the middle?

They just molest statues and paintings.

Both are caused by income inequality and inadequate education. Fix those issues and you fix the deaths from gun violence and baby mortality rates.

Damn gotta admire the way the kid broke that down. Did the head lean/I cant hear you say that again that got him closer to the gun and went for it.

Im Latinx but not afro-latinx (even though Im 80% sure there is some in there just on statistics alone i present more indigenous than anything) and I love that piece about language. So many people are ready to hold up that colonialist tongue and lash out at anyone who is willing to deconstruct that shit. We gotta