I have ABSOLUTELY been part of events with women-only safe spaces where I was specifically excluded. I know exactly what I’m talking about because I was there with my sister.
I have ABSOLUTELY been part of events with women-only safe spaces where I was specifically excluded. I know exactly what I’m talking about because I was there with my sister.
I have, in fact, employed two such millenials.
Oh my god, you’ve never heard of a Dean talking to a professor after a student complained about material in class? When I was in college it was the Religious Right complaining that a story including homosexuality violated their “safe spaces” only they called it an “Affront to their religion...” and they’d stage a…
Single mother working three jobs? No way is that story true. No way. You couldn’t tell the truth or make up a believable story so you went for single parent and three jobs? I stopped reading at something so painfully obvious.
If you really grew up poor, like a few people I knew, you’d be way more cautious about…
Pardon typo
You are demonizing mental health care by suggesting that these issues cannot be resolved. Accept that mental health care is the first step to curing oneself of anxiety.
If they have not previously sought medical treatment for PTSD and they are not able to function in the real world, they need to seek medical treatment before attending college. This is my belief.
For instance, someone breaks their leg- are they off the school soccer team for the rest of the year? That’s what I’m saying.
typos galore.
Why must it be judged at all? Are there fraternities who would like to keep their membership all-white and all-christian so they don’t have to put up with minorities? Because they value their safe spaces? That’s the classic experience of how we see safe spaces in America- the all-white country club. That’s what you’re…
If you have a debilitating illness which doesn’t allow you to go to college then you cannot go to college, yes.
You never had a friend take a year off? I had MANY.
I have had two millenial employees demand special treatment from me, and they made themselves look like utter fools in the office.
Trigger warnings have gone far far past PTSD. You clearly aren’t familiar with what currently falls under trigger warnings.
People with PTSD need to seek medical treatment to cure them. They don’t need anything from us- they need help from medical professionals.
Name me an AA office which doesn’t allow cisgender white men to walk in the room... see what I’m getting at? Integration, not segregation, is key.
Don’t forget though, that things change over time. There are things young people do- Boomers- that old people did not do- Boomer activity in their middle age is really quite weak..
If you have PTSD—- get medical treatment for PTSD.
When I was 21 I used to say the same thing, and then I got a good paying job, got rich, paid off all my debt and bought a house and send my kids to private school. What changed? I was no longer 24. Was it “the generations” who messed it up? Nope.
If you’re upset because your parents didn’t pay for your college, take it…
There is also a demonization of mental health treatment. There are people who are suffering from PTSD, from anxiety, from real issues and instead of seeking treatment for these issues, they’re attempting to block access to topics which can cause them anxiety.
For instance, what would you tell someone who was anxious…
We solved the problems the Greatest Generation made and we’re a lot better at it than Millenials.
Oh my god. Your argument is horrendously bad. People with PTSB need medical treatment. They do NOT NEED SAFE SPACES. They need medical treatment to make themselves whole. I can’t believe you suggested that safe spaces are a reasonable treatment for PTSB.