ZUKKA! Those ARE the kind of safe spaces we’re talking about. That’s the entire point of people’s concern about safe spaces- that they started off valid and expanded until they are no longer valid.
ZUKKA! Those ARE the kind of safe spaces we’re talking about. That’s the entire point of people’s concern about safe spaces- that they started off valid and expanded until they are no longer valid.
A friend of mine’s parents got divorced in a really bad bad divorce. He couldn’t handle being in college so he got his doctor to write a letter to the university, left midway through the fall semester, got a job, and returned in the Fall when he was fully better.
If you are not mentally able to handle being in a…
I have a fear of heights and particularly bridges- Do you know how many 3D action films seriously freak me out? Do you know what I’m doing about it? I’m working with a therapist to walk and drive over more and more bridge as part of Cognitive-Based Therapy.
Oh my GOD.
What you’re saying is no different from- These women suffer from anorexia, so we should restructure things which allow them to continue to suffer from anorexia, untreated.
The very heat of this issue is…
This is what people NEED TO HEAR!
When I was in college I had a woman tell the class that she could not sit through Blue Velvet for personal reasons- and we all completely understood and she wrote about a different movie.
Recently I wrote a piece based on real life events which included a white male on white male…
Anti-harassment policies in the workplace are not safe spaces. Safe spaces EXCLUDE others and no office would exclude, let’s say, a white man, from attending a meeting- because they’d be in violation of laws, depending on the state and purpose of the meeting. This is why you don’t really see “Ladies Nights” anymore
I had an employee who came to me and told me that I wasn’t following his teachers’ rules for how they treated their students- AND HE ASKED ME TO FOLLOW HIS TEACHERS’ RULES IN MY WORKPLACE.
His performance was so bad... you know the rest of the story.
You may be trying, but you really aren’t helping.