It's just as baffling as the dick wolves thing from PA. These supposed "long time fans" get legit upset by a joke which they SOMEHOW interpreted as being about shaming rape victims, in a comic that has made much "worse" offensives in the past.
Because if there's one thing the Super Smash Brothers series has been known for, it's practicality and realism.
This is so DISGUSTINGLY SEXIST... why did no one cry foul when Raiden wore heels?! WTF IS WRONG WITH HUMANITY?!?!?!
Ahh yes, boot extensions with anti gravity boosters and spring heels are so inconvient. So inconvient in fact they latch right onto her existing outfit.
Holy god! That sounds so badass that i needed to comment of it.
Please no delay, please no delay, please no delay.
*crosses fingers for SMT x FE*
Anything involving more Isabelle can't be a bad thing.
Seriously, I hope they keep this mode. This is the most fun I have had in the game in a long while, and it is a great alternative when you are sick of losing due to AFKers and being terrible in general.
When you get Adele Dazeem to voice the character, it's a waste to not have her sing.
Cucco Bucaws into Action!!
Yeah, actually. It's something to the effect of exposing minors to pornographic images. If some sicko in my neighborhood put those sheets up as curtains, and my kid saw them the first thing when he steps outside to walk to the bus, I'd probably punch the guy. Punishments be damned.
Nice, thanks for sharing! Cool you got to meet up. I'm personally looking forward to hearing what Iga moves onto next — I think it will be a good refresher for him, and I'm sure he will align himself with the people he needs to help him realize whatever the next project will be.
2014... the year of walurambo
I only have 12 games. also, only 6 steamfriends. never ever had steamgift. :( Traded some cards with russian guy today, thought I might be ale to list them on marketplace to get 5 cents I need, cant sell them until april 2nd. Damn, must be payback for me doing something, but cant figure out what. :( I can give you my…
Will it absorb his lifeforce if he keeps waving it around, like the real thing?
Man, that's just DK's Asian cousin. I thought everybody knew that.
The game looks very nice on the 3DS. If you like art that looks hand-painted, you'll like it. It's in line with how Yoshi's Island also had a hand-drawn look.
They need to do one for J.J. Abrams too. I swear they nailed Michael Bay"splosions" with that.