I'm sorry your comment makes you feel this way. Maybe avoid hitting the publish button next time?
I'm sorry your comment makes you feel this way. Maybe avoid hitting the publish button next time?
There are pokemon that have abilities that block attacks from pokemon ex (sigilyph) or pokemon that block attacks by basic pokemon both ex and regular (pyroar)
The TCG is actually pretty fun to play and watch. The only thing that gets boring is that there are a lot of the same deck builds going around lately. Still kinda fun to watch people counter them.
Buying that and the drinking bottle!
Are you guys covering TCG and Video game Nationals?
Its been on sale for 5 bucks a couple of times and would only reccomend it for the campaign. Multiplayer is littered with hackers.
Tell me when they start a mass restock of Blazin' Buffalo and Ranch aka the best doritos flavor ever!
It's easily my favorite.
<Insert Aerith Death scene/party hard gif here>
Ehhh had a reply typed out, but based on your comment I don't even think you followed E3 this year.
Really?? Hhaha I only played the demo of Bayonetta on the 360 a loooooong time ago so I'd have no idea. YOU BETTER NOT BE LYING TO ME. I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL REPLACE YOUR SUGAR WITH SALT.
What you do is you pick a development team and start killing off the lowly members and climb the ladder until they see it as "We don't finish this game soon, we are next!". Good old fashioned murdervation!
I'm a lefty and I've never had any problems with my 3DS games or Wii games. I guess it is good that they are looking into options for people who have a harder time adjusting though!
I would buy some quality paper and pencils to avoid things like this... Though any time it was an emergency and I needed paper I would go to the 99 cent store. SMUDGE CITY
Those games can not come soon enough...
That Bayonetta bug that kept removing her clothing when attacking or something made me crack up. It seems like initially they wanted to say something about it, but they just kept on playing through like professionals. I loved Treehouse Live! The in-depth gameplay with the developers was amazing!
I'm sad that this doesn't have more likes.
I knew this game had amazing potential since the first time I played and had a blast on the SM3DW version.
Why is Sakurai so stylish?