
Millenniums don’t even have to pay their dues before getting massive payouts and that’s why they are soft. Bill Belichik had to work for THIRTY YEARS in the rock smashing factory before anyone even allowed him into the room where you can look at a football. The only thing these Millenniums are DISRUPTING is hard work.

The decorations are awesome. I’ve put on theme parties for my kids, and let me tell you that this is harder to Exeggcute than it looks.

It did seem a little odd that he didn’t at least have the sense to jump out of his car and furiously sweep the path with his curling broom.

As a Democrat I seriously cannot stand Democrats right now. The American people NEVER lose an election. Just because the person YOU wanted to win didn’t win doesn’t mean the whole country “lost”.

The Democrats just lost an election where their incumbent, Obama, had the highest approval rating on Election Day of anyone since Reagan in 1988. They don’t get it, and never will. They’d rather attempt to have their cake and eat it, too, by keeping their process within their closed ranks than actually give themselves

When the DNC chooses their 2016 candidate in 2008 and then rigs primaries against the democratic candidate chose by the people in 2016, they get what they deserved. Oh and use two-factor authentication

I’m devastated, too. But, I think your comment (which reflects an attitude towards Trump supporters we both shared) is the problem.

(I walk on stage at a press conference after another long day at the office)

Do we not like him? I like him.

...who ought to be allowed in, what hurdles that person would need to have to jump.

I’ll bite: What are the other two movies?

I’ll bite: What are the other two movies?

Headline: Bald Eagle Pummels Canadian Goose After All

This is the craziest god damn post you’ve ever put on kinja.


Jon and the Wildlings march on Winterfell, he and Ramsay fight for the title of Warden of the North, Ramsey tries to burn him, SURPRISE, he’s a dang Targaryen, and he is PISSED, and then Jon murders him good.

I want Bronn to somehow be in every storyline.

I want Bronn to do it.

Generally speaking, this is the sort of thing that honestly bros, I've never had to deal with. When you're a beach towel at the Paladium Palace in Ibiza, life is so sweet that you forget that bad times are even a possibility. Shit, my day basically consists of being wrapped around the tight waist of a 20 year old