
Yeah in my general view anyone who self proclaims themselves to be “Awake” or “Woke” is far, far, from any of those states. If you self proclaim it you are not in fact “Woke”. Which means I can safely disregard any of the garbage spewing forth from your mouth or keyboard, now knowing that I am missing nothing of

Please, stop dehumanize Republicans, and I mean this seriously, stop dehumanizing Republicans and Trump supporters as “believing virulent versions of the prejudices that your great grandparents believed.”

The fact that it triggered you and the writers here to write about it is the funniest part about it.

Well it’s wrong, but it’s an interesting thought. While making someone out to be less than human is pretty unpolite, it should make you think. A claim like this wouldn’t make people react unless there was some truth behind it. From personal experience, and watching larger scale videos involving SWJs give their reasons

Sorry I missed the part where its wrong to criticize someone in a way that’s demeaning to them, so maybe we should talk about how you keep calling anyone who doesn’t follow your twisted politics literally hitler? It’s laughable that you think you have a leg to stand on here when we call gullible people npcs.

Prejudices which are backed by science. Race is real, and to deny differences between them is dishonest. Now how big those differences are is always up to debate. But when people like you use the term “white supremacists” it always makes me laugh considering how white nationalist talking points put East Asians and

“I’m better than people in the past a few years ago. I’m right and they were wrong. Now, let me take my antidepressants and inject my sex hormones to be happiest in the best times of history, when I happen to live... but I’m not privileged. I fight privilege”.

Well stated.

not saying they arent, but its a lot easier to fire an unproductive worker at a non union shop than a union shop. and what kind of message is being sent in that union shop when the union does protect the unproductive workers. it makes everyone else think they can get away with that shit too

factory no, steel warehouse and card carrying teamster. yes. and it was the worst job i ever had. the union did jack shit to actually protect employees who were doing their jobs and decided to protect the guys whod stand around and did absolutely nothing all day. i got fired because i left work because my mom was

Unions at one point were critical to the American worker. Now we have Federal oversight of labor and safety laws. Combine that with Unions making themselves uncompetitive and it’s a hard case to make for many auto manufactures and employees. Look at how the majority of Nissan workers voted.

We don’t know the crosswind component because we don’t know what the wind direction and speed was at landing. CC is calculated by wind speed and the angle off the centerline, so the greater the diversion from the centerline the greater the crosswind component. The level of automation in the 380 is such that it warns

Reduced Crab

That was a terrible landing on the part of the pilot. Either the demonstrated crosswind component was exceeded (a no-no) or his/her technique sucks. Crab down to the runway, kick out the crab, bank upwind and touch down with zero drift on the upwind gear first. All I saw was a shitty crab all the way down. And yes,

But usually the wind speed is lower close to the ground. Once he had the nose close to the centerline, he should have started centering the rudder. He was late centering the rudder, which caused the oscillation.

Copilot: “So all I have to do is put the starboard engines in reverse and the port engines at full power, and I can do donuts in an A380?”
Pilot: “Yes, that is correct.”
Copilot: “OK. This is definitely a good idea.”
Pilot: “Totally.”

Yes, you’re right, he’s the only F1 driver in history that’s had abuse tossed his way. this a serious statement? Please enumerate what things in the world will improve as a result of him doing this. Please. I’m dying to know.

Yes, his life must just be unbearable.

You need to read or travel more. Japanese police are notoriously racist to Koreans and other people from different countries living in japan. Same goes with Korean police and Chinese living in Korea