Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner!
Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner!
Spoken like a true card carrying communist. Bravo comrade!
My great, great, great grandfather developed the child safety features for the guillotine. Way ahead of his time.....
Dammit boy, why are you throwing around the “D word” like that? This is a re-spectable publication.
No way man. First of all, all that shit is in metric. That means I have to pull my iPhone out to do the conversion to American units. Second, all the words are in FRENCH! Imagine one of them aeroplane pilots (not them Commie ones) being asked to freaking translate to regular language when he’s got a Nip or a Rooskie…
Who was the last Danica Patrick?
FFS, the poor little girl had to go to EUROPE for karting/open wheel experience - and compete against nasty boys? Holy shiite! What I (and literally millions of others) would have done for the PRIVILEGE of going to the world’s best road racing clinic as a kid. I grew up reasonably well-off, and we sure as hell didn’t…
She doesn’t have the chops for Formula E. Agree she would be a good addition to a WEC/IMSA team.
At risk of triggering the nice lasses at Jezebel, I have to say Danica has been a net negative for women/girls who aspire to don Nomex. In the big scheme of things Danica is an EXCELLENT driver, though only average-ish at the top level series. But she is, hands down, the most attractive driver in all the forms of…