
I like Woody Allen films, except for that nervous fella who's always in them.

There are relatively few Let's Players I enjoy - Two Best Friends Play are good, PhantomSavage is definitely one of the few ones that can pull off wacky/OTT (although it has been a while since I've watched him, so I can't exactly say much), and I enjoy a few Civ LPers such as Marbozir, who I have gleaned a few good

Oliver/Wilmore Investigating the N-Word remains one of my favourite things ever.

He's not a liberal with balls. Elizabeth Warren is a liberal with balls (of the metaphorical variety). Bill Maher is a sometimes-liberal with balls that is also a dickhead.

Him getting schooled by former GOP Senator Bill Frist on vaccines was great.

That is true and I accept your correction.

Well, yes, but he's the first closet-case GOPer in a long time that I would actually like to have relations with.

There are a lot of annoyingly attractive conservative politicians in America. There's an awful meme going around comparing Democratic famous women to Republican famous women, and while it is sexist and its subjects are cherry-picked and irrelevant to actual politics and the photos are also cherry-picked (they picked

Let's be honest, you'd feel no shame or anguish.

I've always used my left.

I would have preferred it if the music video continued consisting of Hawking attacking other scientists.

I was listening to the Cave Johnson lemons speech while reading that (it's my favourite motivational speech).

The fact he's Scottish somehow makes it far more amusing.

In the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fan of TWD, it doesn't have as much to live up to.

I was gonna make an outdated joke about the border with Louisiana being a coast now, then I realised that Hurricane Katrina didn't reach that far north, I think.

Clearly not. Major character deaths are only spoilers if you're a pedant.

I enjoyed his parody of Tommy Wiseau.

And even before they'd gotten rid of guest votes, you could just open an in-private browser window and upvote to your heart's content.

I love me some Charlie Brooker. His parody of the average news report was also spot-on.

"Almost ran over a Jew today in my beautiful, well-engineered German car."