
Then Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley is the greatest man to have ever lived.

Oh, I never thought you were saying the opposite, apologies if I came off that way, I just had to write down all these emotions and I decided to latch onto your comment. Like a parasite. Jimmy's character development is fascinating, and the fact Vince Gilligan has managed to make it so even though we know the end

I was surprised at how quickly my opinion on Chuck did a u-turn. I was predicting that Chuck had probably sabotaged things a while before, but damn, that rant….I don't think any media ever has made my opinion on a character as a person drop so rapidly (incidents of bad writing aside).

Walter White would have done that.

In a foolish lack of trust for Vince Gilligan, I'd written him as just a pompous dick, fuelled by the same emotions we now know are really Chuck's. He's still undeniably an arrogant douche, but he's not a bad person.

Is this legal freelancing? If so, I know a guy who might be interested.

Yeah. I knew, say, Maggie was safe, because she'd been flying quite low on the radar, but Glenn had been quiet for a long time up until Alexandria. Then bam, he….doesn't die.

I mean I'll miss Reg a bit - was a bit weird he didn't get mentioned in the interview - but he's definitely a sign that the show's getting better at quickly fleshing out and making sympathetic supporting characters (or redshirts, in Reg's case).

I would appreciate it if they hired Jeffrey DeMunn to walk in at the end of every sex scene, pull a Daleface, and leave.

You might as well have just called it The Walking Dead Spinoff.

You were doing so well until the final sentence.

Holy fuck you're right

You should feel loved.

Red Dead Redemption is, while not a film, also very realistic in terms of the diversity of the West.

My daughter's imaginary too. She takes after her mother, in that respect.

Personally I would enjoy a Budge and Pepper prequel film. Perhaps where they interact with a British cop duo played by Mitchell and Webb.

Can confirm - I signed a petition to get him replaced with Alan Partridge, and that doesn't seem likely.

You made the right decision.

Dagnabbit I've fallen behind on the past three or four Bob's Burgers episodes. Time to spend this day catching up.

They've been implicitly referencing the fuck out of the both of them in the latter half of season 5. The damn episode titles are ripped from that time speech Dale gave in season 1.