
Sounds like I expected, to be honest.

I was sceptical of a Frieda flashback, but I think it paid off. It avoided the trap of showing her descent into criminality, allowing her to retain the air of mystery, and the propensity of noodle incidents, that makes her just so damn fun. It was focused and relevant and gave us just a tip of the iceberg of her story.

I don't have any fun stories about awkward school musical selections, but I saw an amateur production of Avenue Q once where Christmas Eve was played by a white woman.

He embiggened the role so much that his greatness spilled into the other movies.

How the fuck can people defend that cop?

Well, today I learnt that the Great British Bake-off is called the Great British Baking Show in America.

See, I would prefer the prostitutes to provide verbal stimulation - written communication is a luxury that I lack the economic wherewithal to request. However, you are correct about the indirect benefits a good sense of spelling will provide to wordplay.

Making Doug gay would be worth it just for the hilarious backlash.

I for one would expect nothing less than the finest syntax from my prostitutes. The other two skills are superfluous.

The ending to this episode was…very mean-spirited. It's not as bad as "The Boys of Bummer" (my least favourite episode ever because of how cruel the town becomes), but this kind of disproportionate, organised vileness strikes me as incredibly…yeah. Just don't like it. Shame, as the basic plot and lines before then

Oh, this is my favourite one.

I'd recommend Marbozir - a most endearing accent, and you do learn a lot of good tips (what buildings/promotions/techs to prioritise, how to predict the AI a bit better, choosing best trade routes, etc.) from him.

If it's any comfort, he probably Googled "what is a favourite movie a human might have" and went with that.

I looked at 2 billion porns myself just now.

Obamacare = 9

I'd watch that.

In fairness, she said she didn't know if she'd ever do it. Clearly Bird Person answered that question for her.

Yes, this episode tried to do a bit too much. Yes, there are a lot of ideas that aren't really explored enough, a lot of twists and concepts that seem a bit rushed. Yes, it lacked the emotional punch of other episodes. Yes, it's on the weaker half of Rick and Morty episodes.

What I love the most about the film is that it singlehandedly changed Kano's nationality for future games. He was originally written as Japanese-American, but Trevor Goddard (who was the best thing in the film, in my opinion) played him as an Australian, and since then Midway/Netherrealm Studios have made him

That was genuinely one of the most ingenious episodes of anything ever.