
I dunno, I'd be surprised if Ryan Stiles turned out to be crazy and/or terrible.

Fictional Interpol. RL Interpol has a smaller budget than the US government's alternative medicine funding.

Interpol agents?

My God that small mouth caught me off guard

At this point, no. They're heavily implied to be taking a deal.

Yeah, that's pretty much a given. She's definitely the mastermind.

The Mike-Jimmy working relationship begins! Oh, it can only end well!

Now never mention it again.

I would enjoy this if it didn't randomly reset every now and then.

Whenever you see a nonsensical comment on these forums, assume it is a reference, as that comment was.

And that's why more zombie fiction needs to be set in non-gun owning countries.

Stupid Ayn Rand. Where the hell is the U in the $? I can see an S, but no U, unless you tear it into pieces or whatever.

I won't object to the return of Gendry, provided that return consists of him doing shirtless blacksmithing for an hour

The drug dealers' version of "You Forgot Poland".

Don't forget the Czech Republic!

I agree with Vince here. People need to find some original ways to pay tribute to Breaking Bad that do not involve harassing old people.

I would quote the David Mitchell rant on necrophilia, but I'll just say go and look it up instead.

That was my first thought after this episode. He needs an Emmy.

As the Stray Observations imply, Donna was grading this for newbies - those not familiar with Mike's character. This episode was brilliant, but I can see it being far less powerful if you're not familiar with Mike. She didn't miss anything - she said she personally would give it an A-.

RIP Sam Simon. He embiggened the world of comedy with his perfectly cromulent contributions.