
As a comics reader, I have no idea.

"Michonne as the new Dale?"

MANY times!

What's weird is that I swear they removed Beth and Tyreese in other episodes.

I was so focused on the "Jessie" that I missed the "Plinkman".

If I recall correctly, he's been described as an atheist before. It bugged me.

Prosciutto is great. Olivia's my favourite Alexandria character already, simply because she can make it. That's an important zombie apocalypse skill.

The YouTube teasers had me hopeful for this episode, but Christ, The Simpsons CANNOT do cruelty well.

Do they kill off the gay guy the moment his subplot is complete again?

Toy Story 3 was going off British Netflix yesterday, so I managed to watch it with ten minutes to spare.

He does pretty good impressions of Stewie and Peter but…I mean, he kinda stops there, and from what we heard of his Roger and Hank Hill impressions, thank God he did.

I'm shipping Sex Toilet with the Outside Toilet from Bob's Burgers.

Yeah, those all make sense. I'd say the ones I'm least sure of are Eugene, Sasha, and the Greene daughters. I could see them going either way.

I think every major transformative episode from now we're gonna get someone go "FILLER" or "NO CHANGES".

I'd say Lori was a Democrat - she was mentioned as disliking capital punishment. I got the impression Dale was a bit of a liberal too. Other than that, I base my "what political affiliation are the characters" on demographics, a rather unreliable method.

In the comics, her counterpart was a male Congressman who was explicitly stated to be a Democrat, despite representing an even more conservative district. Similar to how Frank Underwood represented a blood-red district, I took this as a sign he was a good politician. If they do give her party affiliation, I hope it's

I was beginning to think the writers were relegating her to Captain Obvious in the latter half of season 5 - finishing off lines and making subtext actual text. But this episode was a return to form.

This is actually one of my least favourite "golden age" episodes.

The world needs laughter.

They have grown slightly more balls lately ((climate change and immigration for further examples.))