
Maybe they'll actually give T-Cat - I mean Tara - some lines.

"Salad is traditionally the best choice for school meals."

Even though I like these songs, this was probably the best HateSong ever. Just pure, unadulterated hate, as opposed to some pretentious artistic disdain.

I imagine Stephen Colbert leaving his studio with a hearty chuckle, and then closing the door, only to reveal Vince Gilligan still chained to the pipes, going "Hello? Hello?"

Can I just say that I REALLY want a sex advice column from Mike Huckabee?

Yeah, can't they give the dumbass lines to T-Dog's lesbian spiritual successor?

In the comics, before this arc, there was a gay-but-abusive relationship between Dexter (scary black prisoner who wanted to kick the group out) and Andrew (his lackey), that was made platonic for the show (and Dexter got a name and race change). Also Martinez (Gov's henchman) was intended to be gay, but it never

I want Jeffrey DeMunn in more things, only because his facial expressions are amazing.

Agreed. It was subtle, but one that was a direct callback to their relationship (Glenn and Dale had one of the better friendships of the early series). It's frustrating that since her awesomeness in the first half of season 5 Carol has been relegated to Captain Obvious.

I agree with you on a few points, but would like to say that I got the impression Rick was very much alone in his dickishness and extreme suspicion towards Aaron.

Oh, I'm not complaining. He's one of the better characters. I just like how they went all-in on comic authenticity for Abraham and didn't go as far with Eugene.

I saw the flag at half mast this morning and was like "alright, another bureaucrat ate it." But then I saw it was Harris Wittels.

I like how the producers went so out of their way to make Abraham's hair match his comic counterpart, but seemingly forgot comic!Eugene was blond.

Please, how can they find time to scavenge a baby seat when they have to focus on keeping the ladies' armpits completely shaved and Abraham's hair bright red?

Also, as a defender of Dale, I was happy to see the implicit reference to him with Glenn's RV knowledge. It was also pretty good writing, and probably one of the smarter and more subtle continuity nods this show has done.

All I know about this band is they did a song for Stubbs the Zombie. I feel positively towards them.

Yeah, this man clearly does not know his Simpsons.

My opinion of her is largely shaped by two things - her Walking Dead role (which I think was more the fault of the writers) and the whole fighting sex slavery thing. Which is kinda cool. So yeah, net positive opinion of her.

It's hard for the internet to get a job when they do background checks!

That's entirely possible, I've never had much of a need to know about lesbian sex methods.