
Will check it out, cheers!

Oooh, why so? I always thought it sounded vaguely interesting.

Together we have contributed substantially to this conversation.

I love how no-one even called her out about that Mario line.

I've been on a few sites that, while advertised as roleplaying sites, were more like collaborative writing in the end.

I can dream of a world where he is that smart.

Smart edit.

I was at a train station and passing the time by reading Vice articles. There were two interesting articles that were accounts of a student who actually slept with a teacher - in both cases, the teacher waited until after the student had left school before making a move. They were both heterosexual relationships, with

I just liked the comment because I saw Joe Dempsie praise.

I'd say Jocelyn and Zeke alone were enough to put this episode into A-/A territory for me. I'd say parts of the subplot and the first ten minutes were more B-worthy, but the conclusion was great.

So yeah, I'd say the Tyreese stuff was A-. Everything before that was C+/B-.

I have to repeat the consensus that this was technically brilliant but the script was lacking. However, the death of Tyreese was done brilliantly. Based on the cold open, I was expecting hallucinations, and I was expecting them to be shit. They were actually really well done, especially the Governor's cameo.

Yeah, I saw that too - probably the only View I've ever seen. I woulda been pissed off in Rosie's shoes too. Whoopi was spouting utter BS (comparing it to Paula Deen using the n word) and Rosie Perez was like "waaa let's make this into another vague debate about social media and how it's totally transformative and how

Incest for all!

As did I, but more because I wanted to honour Gilbert's wishes.

Do eet.

I'll submit a few:

And I'd say it's damn impressive the game threw that back in your face. Too many games make the outcomes far too predictable - I like how IV punished you for being pragmatic.

I knew the consequences of Deal/Revenge in advance. Having not utilised the dating option much, I only really had a strong attachment to one of the characters affected. That pretty much made my mind up for me.

My problem with GTA is that it doesn't handle choice well. In GTA V the third option robbed the game of its only potentially powerful choice - the choices in IV were more powerful (because the supporting cast was infinitely better), but even they were mostly far too black-and-white to be meaningful, and had few