
I know. You don't think of Jonathan Banks having the voice of Jonathan Banks, but there you go.

I love his attitude. Like it's very down to Earth, he's not entitled or precious. Great interview.

Perfectly cromulent job, internet.

I would say 8. Now, 9, 10, and even 11 still had some great episodes, but 8 was the last true "golden age" one, without the worst traits of the Mike Scully era and disasters such as destroying Skinner's backstory.

When I watched this show as a young and stupid child, I remember being quite sad at the removal of Poochie. Not just because I was frustrated at how they betrayed Homer, but also because at that age I believed the more characters in a piece of fiction the better and you could never have too many.

Are they doing Davos's plot? They better be. I love Davos. He's an amazing character.

As a book reader, I'm happy if they're removing the Ironborn plots. They were boring as fuck.

Okay, I feel bad for saying this…but I had no idea Arthur was still going on.


Oh my God I'm actually awake when the review is posted

You get your choice of free topping!

What I loved about 2014 was that the talking heads were all "what a great year for conservatives!"

What a nice coincidence!

Well, poorer people do tend to vote more Democratic - even when things like religion and race are controlled for. It's just turnout is a bitch, and the system is in many cases designed to reduce turnout (as Ferguson showed - its wholly unrepresentative government was because its local elections were low-profile events

Or Rammstein's "Amerika".

But it comes with a free frogurt!

Good to see we're exporting the best detritus on British TV to America.

Nobody sucks general goose :C

Controls aside, it and RDR are the best R* games. GTA is great and the formula it created is one of the most important innovations in gaming, but Bully and RDR do great things with that formula and have FAR better worlds, satirical messages, and characters and storylines.

Do you ever notice how men always leave the toilet seat up?