General Dog

Is the snap really that bold if it’s blatantly clear that it’s ultimately not going to matter?

Well, you seem nice.

She said “fucking retar-”, I believe.

This is nothing more than a list of hypotheticals, contrary to the wording of the headline. It’s worth noting that the internet as we know and love it evolved in the complete absence of those supposedly essential 2015 protections.

The Cillizzas of the world keep letting conservatives get away with anything and then marveling that conservatives seem to be able to get away with anything.

Stick to criticizing both of their shitty policies, but sometimes on here the bully writing can be a little sophomoric.

Seriously Lindsey, really dead serious, fuck you. You clearly have no grasp of human emotion. This kind of shit could have waited til next week. I have never hated a person more than I hate you right now. You probably are wearing a shirt emblazoned with SJW on it right now. Fuck. You.