General Dog

Wishing him a long, happy life of shooting as hard as he can.

Seems like these unpaid teenagers should be able to take their talents where they feel their interests will best be served.

These guys’ anger is never actually about sex, it’s about hating women and, more importantly, themselves.


Is the snap really that bold if it’s blatantly clear that it’s ultimately not going to matter?

Is Middle Earth an apartheid state?

That’s an acceptable take, but I’m finding the love for Toy Story 2 love in the OP brackets kind of baffling. It’s solid, but I just assumed everyone agreed it was the most disposable of the series. It’s “When She Loved Me” and some other stuff.

Seems a bit much to think that a sweet, gentle man well into adulthood can go from zero to “threaten your old high school” on bullying from his teammates alone. Clearly the way he was treated was wrong, but this is evidence of some deeper seated issues.

Seems pretty salty to be dogging Yahoo for their work on this. The FBI having a gigantic ongoing investigation of college sports is a huge story regardless of anybody’s opinion about whether the investigation has any merit.

Seems like the P&R cast of all people would be familiar with “death of the author”

I think it’s really cool that the meanings of words and phrases evolve over time.

The NCAA has neither the means nor the mandate to handle this sort of thing. It’s not what the NCAA was built for.

They figured out what to do with him in 1936 when they rightly enshrined him as one of the greatest ballplayers of all time.

Mama mia, that’s a spicy take!

So are we not going to get an actual concrete ratio that can serve as the Mendoza Line for Tweets? Is it anything under 0.2 likes/replies? Can a large number of likes mitigate the ratio?

Just as a fan of the game, I’m glad they’re good again.

He’s not wrong.

[quote]Before I end up sounding too smug, let’s just review the latest Uber news.[/quote]

Yup, I have Word because it’s what comes with Excel. It’s a word processor, who could possibly care enough to have a preference? Who’s using a word processor period past third grade? C’mon.