The Pentavarent

Driving is not my hobby. You’re coming to me and saying “Hi, I’d like you to consider getting a car with a device attached to it that makes it slightly more expensive, slightly slower, slightly less fuel efficient, slightly less mechanically reliable, and harder to drive under almost all normal conditions.”

Fully agree. I’d take any one of them in this condition at this price.

Now playing

Sorta-kinda off topic: America needs a Nurburgring.

As an Ohioan there is no difference between southern ohio and Kentucky. It’d be great if we could give half the state away...

The problem is UAW. Getting rid of them would lower the labor cost.

While this is VERY true (as can be seen by the huge amount of foreign manufacturers moving into the southeast US), the UAW has the majority of US auto manufacturers by the short and curlys. Contracts have been struck, such that any plants that these companies build in the US must have UAW staffing requirements.

Neutral: What Price Should FCA Pay If They Are Found To Be Greasing Their Sales?

This is a bit strange. Why saddle the V6 with more drivetrain power loss? If anything, it’s the higher powered variants (like the Hellcat) that could benefit from AWD. The only possible explanation I can think of is to capture additional sales from buyers in regions that see inclement weather... and getting a leg up

Here you go! Ive been CL stalking it for a while. One owner 88 GT with Tan leather and manual.

That mileage is impressive, but consider this. If you want a sporty coupe with a manual, you are currently flooded with options in the used market for this price.

Semis that can will try to get some extra speed to help them up the hill. Have you driven a truck with a governor on highways with traffic? If you can't go as fast as the other cars, all you can do is try to stay out of people's way. Expect to have people without governors or patience cut you off a lot.

Could you imagine a distracted girl looking down checking FB on her phone while driving the posted limit of 80mph and slams into backed up traffic in front of her caused by a semi traveling the restricted limit?

Many states got rid of the truck speed limit because it was the differential of speed that was causing accidents. The speed the truck is going does not matter when a SUV cuts off a truck, brake checks it and promptly gets rear ended. The cutoff might not happen if there was less difference in speed.

They tried this before. Big vehicles (and other vehicles) are best with the flow of traffic. If you have them limited like that, there will be more accidents. Also, when they set the national speed limit to 55, no improvement in fuel economy was seen. They need to let this idea go already

During their original run, I feel like they had a Yuppie “I’m special” vibe.

I think you missed the part where I said I’m a pilot, so I’m not afraid to fly... at least that’s what I tell everyone. Wildfires are dangerous, no doubt, but potentially risking the flight crews life vs. letting property burn? The point is, as a pilot, you simply don’t take the extra risk. End of story. There are

Moose Trained by Yutte Hermsgervordenbroti

Special Moose Effects Olaf Prot

Moose Costumes Siggi Churchill

Moose choerographed by Horst Prot III

Miss Taylor’s Mooses by Hengst Douglas-Home

Moose trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by Jurgan Wigg

Mooses noses wiped by Bjorn Irkestom-Slater

top kek at the G6 photo.

My friend Kitty Karen should trade in her MG for that white chrysler lebaron