General Mook

In an instant, I knew the sum total of the value of my life. Not the things I owned, but the things that existed. There had been hopes, aspirations, or at least things I commonly talked about. Interestingly, none of them came to mind at this very instant.

I prefer the privacy and immersion of a monitor on a desk, but the comfort and scope of a TV. My 1080p 24" monitor does not do some of these games justice.

"What you dismiss as supernatural is just what you dont understand"

Because they launched a terrible fucking product.

"It's not stupid, it happened in Chicago! Just write it in: Megatron kicks a kitten."

Not one comment about the oddly Goatse-ish thumbnail? For shame, Kotaku. For shame.


I just jailbroke my 4s and this happened to me too. Fortunately, I had enough experience with an old phone to know that it wasn't right. Restore, rejailbreak, all is well in the world.

"It's definitely a miracle that I survived." - Erin

Now playing

Nothing Freudian here. Nope, just move along.

I've got to go through and dummy-check my profile for anything incriminating, but this is what I plan on using.

One of my all time favorite drinking songs.

Saw it in IMAX in LA and I understood about 10% of what Bane said. My friend said he heard "No one remembered my name until I wore the mask" or something like that. All I heard was a British guy doing an impression of an American doing an impression of a Brit. Make your own Inception joke.

Season 5 cannot come soon enough.

How have you not been starred for any of this? Also, come over to io9. People don't bitch about large chunks of good science. We eat that shit up.

Cowboy what? (Shhh, don't give them any ideas)

Thanks for the fun fact. Here's one for you: not everything people say is meant to be taken literally.

I'm on PS3, so I totally echo your sentiment about giving us console commands (it's right there in the name for christsake).

There's a divorce option. It's called a dagger. Maybe a soul trap if you're feeling extra sinister.

#COTD right here.