General Mook

Love the Ozmo avatar.

I choose Total Recall, but hovered over MiB 3 for a minute. Both are unnecessary, unwanted, and unhyped.

I agree, I see great stuff on Instagram. I enjoyed it for a while and still use it occasionally, but I prefer Camera+ now.

I predict a record number of submissions, with about the same number of good ones.

"Wangsty" may be my new favorite word.

"No one has come up with alternative models that they believe. Nor have we."

Maybe a biologist can step in and better explain it, but I'll give it a shot:

I still don't understand how the man who lit Miller's Crossing could be responsible for Wild Wild West, not to mention the MiB franchise. What a mad, mad world.

I want to light a scene using the C300 and pickles.

When I am in the comfort of my own home playing Tekken or Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars or what-have-you, I say some of the most offensive things that words could be made to say. In a public setting, especially one with such a young crowd as stated? Watch your fucking mouth, asshole.

Yeah, I didn't hate this up until the "drop" or whatever the kids are calling it.

Hooray splitscreen! Boo dubstep!

Motherfucking Time Cube.


After all that was Rango'd, I cannot take anything they say at face value. I immediately thought "A post-apocalpytic show? Exactly what they'd think io9 would want them to make..."

I have the weirdest boner.

I've never quite figured out why. The Genesis looks goddamn gorgeous. Perhaps the workflow is a bitch?

Doesn't matter, propagated the species.

This comment will make no sense in about 5 minutes.

Word of the day.