General Mook

@Jonathan Strange: I'll have to ask, I think she modified/combined something she found online.

My sister makes bacon-topped french toast cupcakes with maple syrup frosting...

@rhoa23: Do you accept Scientific American articles? *cough* hosted on the internet *cough*

@rhoa23: Common misconception repeated as fact.

@TheSpartanburger: Or you could, you know, take 5 seconds and follow the link provided at the end of the article.

@Database Lion: Hey, look on the bright side. The impending apocalypse could lead to an increase in boning.

"Yeah, Clayface is into pottery, the Riddler's a nerd, and the Joker is a goth stoner."

@KingSheep03: Until you celebrate an exceptionally awesome kill and 'nade yourself.

@Beatcamel: Dude, seriously. IM2 without Sam Rockwell would have been unbearable. "Pitch perfect" is dead-on.

"And the best part of Iron Man 2, the part everybody's still raving about, was Mickey Rourke's turn as Whiplash."

@Ignited_Impulse: Films, yes. Videogames? If they can get rid of the dumb glasses and lower the price a shitload, then I'm on board.

Man, I want to cry, puke, and shower all at once.

@ProfessorSara: Never assume comment sections to have rational thought on any site (io9 and most other Gawker sites excluded, of course).

@c to: Yeah, I actually hate McDonald's, the irony was sort of the point.

Does it count if I'm just trying to make it to McDonalds before they stop serving breakfast?