General Mook
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"As for that rumor that Bill Murray's Dr. Venkman will be killed off in the first reel..."

@inverts: Yeah, I finally watched it very recently and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Sober, even!

@hobbiesodd: Seriously. I'm not sure I saw the same movie the reviewer did.

@AgamemnonV2: God, that game was so bipolar. Beautiful landscapes, disgusting level design. Fun-as-shit locomotion, terrible gunplay. The game director should be taken out back and shot.

@Mr. Dent: I think the subtitles would do the job just fine.

@georgie_me_boy: When I was younger, I was in a bit of an explosive accident that had my left hand unusable for a few months. I remember playing Tony Hawk online with my tongue and right hand and whooping ass. Though my friend had to do the smack talk, as I couldn't exactly speak too.

@dhenson314001: Zack. Snyder. You just described how I imagine him exactly.

@rekoil: Dude, fuck it, the Ventures should be heralded at any occasion. Some of the best damn writing on television.

@Sandwich: Yes. That is the plot of Spawn. How many other movies were about Spawn? Just Spawn I guess.

@Sandwich: Not what the article is about. The movie still wasted time on the origin story; dark & twisted superheroes are a dime a dozen.

@AErikson: I'm going to shamelessly steal this rebuttal from you, thanks.

@Steve Williams: Nerds trying to out-nerd each other. This is why I love io9.

@bigfreaky: "It's smooth... but kinda shitty."

@KrautMcFriend: I think jealous is closer to the right word.

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It all would have been so much clearer in the original ending...

@sjbutler2: I think that's essentially the opposite of what is happening.

Black Ops for GOTY is equivalent to nominating Star Trek for the Best Picture at the Oscars. It was shiny & fun, but nothing that gave anything to gaming. In fact, I got the overwhelming feeling that I could have played the exact same game 4 years ago.