Gene Parmesan

He had no real options except sit there indefinitely

I mean it’s possible you’re just here trying to sow doubt and confusion, but if not I’d watch that video one more time.

“I’m just doing my job.” Now, where have we heard that before?

I tuned out the minute he said there are extremists on “both sides” at Trump’s inauguration. Hard pass on the centrist ideology thanks.

Ubisort is by far the worst when it comes to pandering to the “no politics” crowd. You can’t choose a middle American Christian cult that has amassed a stockpile of weapons as your main antagonist and not have anything to say about. In an effort to be “apolitical,” they don’t draw comparisons to real life issues, but

“He said he’d attended Trump’s inauguration in early 2017 as part of a research trip for The Division series and that, while “I thought I was going to get along with the anti-Trump people a bit more, well, I didn’t because I saw extremes on both ends that are dangerous.””

For a variety of reasons, I suspect a recession is in the cards even if this sleight of hand occurs.

As a corollary to playing the victim, she’s also invoking the charge of “racism” to describe literally anything, which has the effect of:

You need to show a little bit of appreciation to Ms. Tanden. The political phenomenon of Republicans always playing the victim is now being adopted by Ms. Tanden and Centrist and being applied to an old white billionaire who lost the last election, and is generally a terrible person.

Cuomo’s a tool. If it’s cool for people to shit on administration officials in restaurants and go up to the door of Tucker Carlson’s house I don’t see why Fredo should get to punch a guy because someone called him a movie character.

I understand the keen insight Ms. Tanden is displaying here:

It doesn’t mater if your center right policy positions aren’t popular and you advocate for candidates who consistently lose elections as long as the donor class likes you. 

Its still an insult, just not a slur. The real insult is being compared to The Godfather Part III.

Ayyyy, Neera, shaddup a-you face, eh?

As an Italian American, Fredo is not a slur. There are actual slurs for Italians, and they come nowhere near close to the n-word or any other slur. 

There needs to be a long takedown piece on her

I’m talking specifically about meatless patties.

It’s less terrible for the planet. And given the extremely dire straits our planet is in (at least as a human-hospitable environment), I don’t mind paying a little more, if only to send the signal to fast food franchises that people are willing to support meat alternatives.

“Made from meat” isn’t the same as “Not 100% vegetarian”.  It’s made from all vegetarian products (and all vegan if you ditch the mayo).  There’s just a chance that it might come into contact with some meat products while cooking.  Which for many vegetarians, that’s a non-issue.  And if it is, you can ask for it to be