
Story-wise, it’s what happened six months after the main game, years before the final chapter. You’re part of the remaining Kingsglaives and you’re trying to make do given the situation.
So far it’s connected the movie to the main game, and has fleshed out a few more details to the story.

I guess their design decisions for Kawakami were successful for me.

I really do think Genji’s the biggest reason for this change, but he’s barely affected if the character picks from the OW World Cup was any indication.

That’s the whole problem. We know of the game and we know it’s good.

you mean that wonderful game that never got an official release outside of Japan?
EDIT: and it being unreleased, still makes it hard for the normal gamer to actually play and be convinced it’s good?

With the popularity of gacha games, I fear Sega will copy Fire Emblem Heroes and fail once again.

Those are the reasons why I have little confidence with the announcement so far. Sega’s had this trend of not really knowing what made their games become such a hit in the first place (Sonic included.)

Only mentioned Project, never explicitly Chronicles, including the tweet.

Are you talking about SK keeping Canada’s de-meched D.Va alive (sleep dart, bear trap?) That wasn’t griefing. They were stalling, keeping Canada from regrouping for as long as possible. The casters even explain/react to it. The only “poor sportsmanship” I saw during the World Cup was a Junkrat doing a quick teabag

Do you know how often other types of competitive games are patched/overhauled? Just curious because I don’t know the numbers.

personally I call the unit XBonX (eks-bonks), so XBonXes for multiples.

It was like a match made in heaven. Unapologetic badassery and fanservice from P+ (equal opportunity butts) And and social commentary via speculative fiction from KojiPro (also with equal opportunity butts.)

The last paragraph of the article said he scanned the cookbooks.

They do, but that’s just because westerners.

It was probably confusing because of how it was written.

Junkrat is one of my mains and I have to agree that the ult’s fairly OP. The only character I can (almost) consistently destroy the tire with is another Junkrat, either with the grenades or a panic mine throw.

Your second point is a thing for me as well. Also the reason why I stopped looking at Steam sales actually. Gaming turns into a hoarding problem instead of me enjoying playing the games.

I’d say yes. Among the dungeon crawlers out there, this series has the best combat mechanics. Level progression is a bit slow, but every skill point you gain opens up a lot of combat synergies that very few games of the genre provide.

Story’s in Japanese but gameplay’s pretty much self-explanatory. Just made it to the first boss, will continue playing it later.

I’d assume so. The first terribad one I encountered was with the doctor being constantly called doctor, then for one line it was changed to teacher.(先生) Yes, Mr. Translator, it makes sense for a student of medicine to tell you they want to go back to school to pursue teaching. The heck.