On PS4 I get trounced by McCree way more than Tracer. And at least you’ll know if you’re against a good Tracer.
On PS4 I get trounced by McCree way more than Tracer. And at least you’ll know if you’re against a good Tracer.
From the IGN interview, they did confirm that it was just tacked on for the E3 event. Fortunately it’s not really gonna be a thing. (Almost feels desperate how they’re trying to promote Prompto...)
Yeap. He’s best as a ganker. Stalking in corners/corridors, he’s a massive threat even without the stun/fan cheese.
He was meant to be a guy who flanks and crumples enemies, or picks off mid-range targets.
I’m on PS4 and my win-lose ratio’s more or less even most of the time with randos, a bit better with friends (sub-two-minute landslides are very rare.)
You’ll get around two or more ults in a match just from natural time gain. You’ll have around five if you were doing okay, way more if you’re good.
I’m a Filipino who’s a Canadian citizen and to me, fascination with Pikachu butts seem normal.
I prefer the English versions overall. The JP dub’s just way too anime stereotyped. Kinda loses the international feel of the cast.
...thanks. Now I can’t unhear Mabel’s voice on DVa whenever I play... O_O
it’s always, ALWAYS high noon.
I thank you for doing that. :)
In flat maps with long sight lines (Hollywood, Dorado, Route 66,etc. ) Zenyatta can decimate teams pretty quickly, acting as a healer/sniper.
Revised assets, revised game mechanics, revised combat, added maps and other features. That’s not what a remaster is.
Yeah. I love using Winston, but he’s got pitiful DPS for such an imposing character. Because of his movespeed and dps, a lot of enemies will still be alive after you run out of ammo. Most of your kills would be from chasing down low-health enemies or fleeing enemies who are near-death (or if they’re near a ledge,…
I guess I might’ve remembered wrong, since I just run around Rein most of the time, then just using the icicle when I’m sure I’m behind him.
Couple days ago, we had a fight against six Winstons, who swapped into six Pharas after dying. First minute, jumping monkeys all over the place. The rest of the fight, all you hear is “Justice rains from a-AUGH”
Ice wall blocks his mobility (also important if he has a pocket Mercy.) Primary fire slows him down quite a bit, and passes through his shield. And her cryo can waste Reinhardt’s charge and firestrike, or just annoy the hell out of him.
For me, I have very different controls for all my characters, including aim sensitivity. I’ll play around with the settings in training/ against AI until I find a comfortable setup for one character, then move on to customize the next.
Totally agree with ya.
Yeah. I feel like her mech’s originally designed as a non-lethal defensive mech. Just so happens she can overload it to explode.