
That’s true. He doesn’t openly defend Saitama as strongly as Genos does, but he does respect him a lot. With him being so old and experienced I guess he has his own reasons for keeping quiet about the situation.

That’s the thing that I really enjoyed about OPM. Since it’s pretty much guaranteed that heroes win in the end, you can get to focus on the little things that happen in a world filled with heroes.

I don’t think Saitama is as selfish as you mentioned. Destruction of life and property? Honestly most other heroes in that world do that - shirk responsibility or value of life - only they’re not called out on it like Saitama.

I mean more about Cerny being the lead architect for the PS4 and Vita, meaning there might be more interesting ways they could think of regarding user interaction/game design.

Him being around Mark Cerny for a while, I can only imagine all the weird/awesome interactive stuff they can brainstorm.

some people are offended by Peach always being the damsel in distress.

If you think I’m just making an excuse then that’s your call.

The page says it’s a limited-run figure???

yeah. A top-down shot where the camera focuses on her face and eyes is CLEARLY meant to show her boobs. /s

Often those sorts of trailers are really meant to showcase the in-game characters (design, personality, whatevs) and their corresponding voice actors. Seems like in Japan, those are bigger selling points than most games’ gameplay.

Well... When we get like 1cm of snow here in Vancouver BC I can feel the rest of Canada laughing at us. Small amounts of snow and ice can really mess up our public transportation systems here.

While AoT is a lot less stylized than most anime, it’s still stylized. If you look at the close-ups on the statues, the body forms are anatomically correct, down to skin creases and how the skin bulges over bones and tendons. It’s very inconsistent with the style of the heads, which are anatomically wrong and have

I’d say it’s less about the eyes and more of the general facial structure of the first three.

Pleasantly surprised how generally recognizable they are, even when their demon persona’s not totally humanoid.

IIRC bosses give tons of AP instead of exp. And annoyingly, some pop up without any warning. It sucks for me because I often have fully-mastered equipment near the end of dungeons, meaning I practically gained nothing from beating those bosses.

MGR:R would still be the top rank for me.

please let this mean they’ll have an announcement about teaming up for a game...

Keita’s two syllables. So is Nathan. Mouth movement’s fairly similar for pronouncing both names (if you bit your tongue while saying both, they’ll sound almost the same as well.) My guess is that name choice is so it’s easier to match the english dub with the animation.

Dark Souls 3, all the Kingdom Hearts, all the Final Fantasies (including World of FF.) Lots of Japanese titles in the horizon for me.

I live in Canada.