Bradley Coopers

I wouldn’t necessarily describe it as “full speed ahead.”

This show is going to debut, the fans are going to watch it for the first weekend, everyone will hate it because its not like the cartoon, it’ll get disappeared by the algorithm within in a week and then cancelled and nobody will ever think of it ever again   

I’m increasingly getting the impression that the heads of the studios would rather just get out of the whole entertainment business entirely and move into something more reliable like furniture wholesale

Look, if you have to keep shifting PR firms because they’re all not working out for you, maybe the reason is because of the intrinsic nature of your actions, and is beyond the ability of a PR firm to manage.

The problem I’m running up against is that the show seems to want me to know who these people are and their connections and connect to the story through their personal emotional struggles.

and because I find Hayley Atwell absurdly attractive

Nah, Clone Wars and Rebels is required viewing for this series, and more than that, the viewer is expected to remember every last character name and plot detail of kids-oriented shows. I watched the first few seasons of Clone Wars and like five episodes of Rebels, so I knew the gist of who everyone was, but I was

The “good reason” for Ahsoka to exist should be that it’s a well-told story made by competent professionals. How it ties into the increasingly stupid lore of Star Wars is a distant second (or maybe third, or fourth).

Does Taylor Swift bear any responsibility for her fans encroaching on a friend’s special day?

I’m a Star Wars nerd and it’s a hard sell for me. I just didn’t keep up with the cartoons, and the more and more Filoni turns them into the backbone of the non-movie lore (or uses them to shore up flimsy film lore) the less I feel like part of the club.

Is a live action series about a cartoon clone wars character trying to find a rebels cartoon character a hard sell for non star wars nerds? I am trying to tell people how good the series were but many just are not cartoon fans.  

Gorr **The god Butcher** was more than a worthy enemy for Thor, particularly with who played him. Watiti just wiffed big time. The truth is that Ragnarok was just a fluke and his humor, particularly his less thought out current humor as compared to his more thoughtful older stuff just defuses any tension in a

Ragnarok may be my favorite MCU film.


There’s something about putting the words “rich men” into your grievance song without facing how many of your problems are actually caused by rich men and the politicians you vote for doing their best to ensure those rich men get richer at your expense. It’s especially ironic when you and your MAGA friends voted for a

Exactly. And it pigeonholes what Star Wars can be (which, considering its myriad influences and the myriad ways people connect with it, as well as the fact that it is innately an exercise in pastiche, is absolutely silly to categorize as a single definable aesthetic/story) while, as murry’s comments illustrate,

I’m really curious how this show is going to work. I was “too old” for The Clone Wars when it came out and Rebels sort of came and went without me taking much notice. Last year, my wife and I started watching The Clone Wars because it seems to be the basis of so much of the new Star Wars canon. But we fell off

Heh heh, we’re probably of a similar generation of fan that remembers what it was like to grab at anything new in Star Wars; I was also all in on the EU books until the New Jedi Order. And I’d say the NJO was a really good example of the sort of deliberate franchise work that turns me off. Maybe I was younger and more

Mandalorian is a hodgepodge of sci fi, western and samurai movie tropes, it’s about as Star Wars as you can possibly get.

The headline is clickbait. The actual content is “Longtime editor Tom Brevoort is moving from the Avengers to the X-Men.” That’s it.