Bradley Coopers

I’m going to keep squeezing every penny out that I can for myself, even though I already have more money than I could spend in 10 lifetimes.” It’s insanity.

I watched Clone Wars but apart from the big story beats it all kind of blends together, tbh.

Happy for fans to get their live action adaptations but I’m not watching another cartoon just to enjoy this stuff

Bold strategy to bring back all the pre-MCU characters no one liked

This show (and the recent MCU ) had a big “fool me 500 times” vibe going in so I’m glad we’ve skipped it

Yeah idk if we need to conceal our love for ID. It was the top grossing movie of 1996 and got an “A” Cinemascore. No one’s giving side eye if you say you dig it.

Focus on characters who actually changed/learned in any really meaningful way

I don’t have the film school background, but Favreau appeared checked out during the Mando S3 press tour.

About 60 brand new Mandalorian costumes were created for this season, so that every member of every tribe had their own individual story, even if we never learn it.

Hello Chris and/or Sarah

But that’s where all my internet friends are

Might be time to go outside

My conspiracy theory is that DeSantis originally wanted the veneer of going tough on Disney but was never planning to act on anything beyond a few attention grabbing headlines.

Cos another character that figures so prominently in the chain of events is being re-introduced. The woman that ‘gave’ the darksaber to Bo in the first place, Sabine Wren. The woman who took the saber from the Nightsisters that held such sway over Maul and Oppress in the first place. Sabine was also Death Watch, if

If the debris field they located is in fact the sub, implosion might’ve unfortunately been the preferred way to go considering the alternative

The first thing I said when the trailer came out was that it looked like the character models were just an Inside Out/Soul mishmash. Very uninspired.

“Well we know, either we’re gonna continue with the film, or we’re not,” he laughed. “Let’s know day one: What is gonna happen? Do we all continue? Or is it a major rewrite, you know?”

I really enjoyed the movie. I’m not interested in writing multiple paragraphs about it

MoS in the pantheon of movies that never lived up to the promise of their trailers

Maybe one day you all will learn to stop betting against James Cameron. Avatar 2 blew all the snarky prognostication out of the water but I guess we’re still doing this