Bradley Coopers

delve further into the histories of these Titans, their origins, and the mysteries of Skull Island

Hold fast and best of luck, comrades!

I guess because it’s the villain’s song but I always thought it was obvious the things Ursula listed were not meant to be attractive selling points?

I guess we’re in an era of pop culture that requires everything to be as superficial as possible.

I could squint and maybe see them getting skittish at some bad faith arguments made against Kiss the Girl.

My partner also insists on watching them. The most charitable review I can give these remakes is they do a good job of making me wish I were watching the originals.

Now it turns out that... she just didn’t think of it, apparently?

Somehow this show feels like it’s telling me I should care about Mandalorian sectarianism and the darksaber, but not why I should care. I think it’s from Din having almost no interior life and Grogu effectively being a handbag that blinks.

Deeply embarrassing imo

“Vast majority” might be stretching it a bit. Easy to forget now that the MCU is a juggernaut, but Guardians was their first foray into the cosmic side. And it was released in August, typically seen as a dumping ground for bad blockbusters. Not to mention Pratt was most widely known as the Parks and Rec doofus. There

Honestly do HP fans want this?

He wants to be one of the cool kids so desperately that he bought the school and made himself principal

I just don’t understand the why here.

Right there with you. I generally love the MCU but it was starting to feel like drinking from a fire hose. I’d rather they take breaks and build anticipation instead of having an endless conveyor belt of content.

All these cameo leaks have big please see our movie, please!! energy

Zeb’s not a background character who got an action figure and backstory.

Probably because the character design looks like a mashup between Inside Out and Soul.

Even if it’s to make their work more palatable, we should be adults and reckon with how people thought and talked in times passed.

Ghostbusters 2016 has a lot to like, particularly everything involving McKinnon and Hemsworth. I don’t return to it, but I definitely enjoyed it more than Afterlife.

Lmao I read that and was like, Oh I’m SURE they fucking did

As The Mandalorian has shown us, the good guys didn’t win anything. And if the good guys never win, how can they be heroes?