Gene Jacket

In fairness, he basically said WW84 was ass in his interview with io9.

If by dealer, you mean a drug mule who was moving so much coke that he should have been doing life under our existing system? Yeah, he’s that.

I believe him. I have no reason to suspect he would ever sell out associates for his own gain.

Absolutely refuse to believe they didn’t see this coming. They knew what would happen and wanted the publicity. 

Why would you need to fake Joe Rogan saying racist and homophobic things? Plenty of real examples already exist.

Obligatory - Firefly (In retrospect, we got Serenity, which ends it perfectly)

I didn’t hate it. It’s definitely not as good as the anime, but I would have watched a second season if one had been made. I feel like where it failed was in trying too hard to be both like the anime and different at the same time.

just more proof that rick & morty fans were also f**king awful

 If you have Xbox gamepass already, it’s free to play on there. The game is fun except for a few bugs. 

Also Monica has a number of aliases,

Well, Godfree’s only contribution to Arrow was to co-write the first full crossover with The Flash, which was arguably the high point of both shows (she was more of a Flash/Legends of Tomorrow writer).

You’ve completely misread that Monica Rambeau thing. Ewing is 100% implying that the movie will use “Photon”, and that’s why her current miniseries is titled Monica Rambeau: Photon (she’d been going by “Spectrum” beforehand).

“They don’t represent the shareholders” is real big “how can this poll be accurate if they didn’t ask me” energy.

No, it’s because he’s a thin skinned egomaniacal idiot who couldn’t back out of the deal that he famously waived due diligence for (because he’s a thin skinned egomaniacal idiot).

If you keep mocking our cinema lord and savior, we’ll hate/harass/weaponize social media bots against studios/journalists/puppies/babies for a 6 HOUR Directors Cut! 

Change My Mind: Snyder’s best film is the 2004 Dawn of the Dead, and that’s a B.

Correction: His films make no sense even before they have to be cut down. The extended versions might explain how we get from A to B, but both A and B are still poorly thought out.

surprised no one mentioned throwing Bucky down on the final turn, Rickety Bridge has been great for me.

platforming the internet’s biggest crybaby

So they bought something that worked perfectly, broke it, and are now getting rid of the people who can fix it?