“How hard is it to add a few more names to a credit list?” Like virtually everything in life, it’s super easy to say something and remarkably complicated if you’re the person who has to do it.
“How hard is it to add a few more names to a credit list?” Like virtually everything in life, it’s super easy to say something and remarkably complicated if you’re the person who has to do it.
“I’ve also seen people whose entirely of work had to be thrown out complain about not getting credit, and I’m not so sure about that...”
Oh, awesome, another studio with shitty, archaic, and arbitrary practices.
Are the people who run these companies just completely incapable of being decent? The fuck does it matter how long someone worked on a project? If their work is in the final, shipped retail game, they get credit for it, period, full-fucking-stop.…
I don’t know why Ubi keeps doing this. Watch Dogs Legion had the same issue, and they patched in manual saves about a month after launch. I’m willing to bet FC6 will get it very soon.
Far Cry 6 forces players to live with their mistakes
I don’t believe you :P
I don’t believe you :P
I saw Whedon’s cut, it sucked shit. You couldn’t pay me to watch MORE of that garbage, much less more AND from a lesser writer.
I saw Whedon’s cut, it sucked shit. You couldn’t pay me to watch MORE of that garbage, much less more AND from a…
I don’t even think that it’s as simple as nvidia not being all they’re cracked up to be (though, I’m certainly not a fan)...it’s that they only make GPUs. That’s their business, it’s all they do, so they don’t integrate with various CPUs as well. When you buy AMD cpus and gpus, you know they’ve been tested to not only …
This is entirely circumstantial, but I always find it mildly amusing that with every new major release on PC, there’s a contingent of people who complain about how bad it runs...and I can count the number of times I’ve had series issues with anything on one hand.
I’m almost always running the latest Win10 update, I…
Eh, I’d watch it. I’ve read the Fortnite/Batman comic and it was surprisingly fun. Dumb, for sure, but fun.
So, they asked everyone if we wanted it in that poll like 2 weeks ago knowing full-well that it wasn’t going to be in the game, but asked anyway and got everyone’s hopes up so that when they did announce that it wasn’t coming they could say they heard us and they “tried”
The PC version of Rise is still 3+ months away.…
Nope, nothing substantial yet, at least not that I’ve seen.
That said, I’ve put 160+ hours into the game, and I am 10000000000000% certain it was never originally envisioned or designed (at the earliest stages) as a live-service title.
There’s simply too much legitimately good about it...the writing is better than it…
“CEO of tech company wants hundreds of millions to buy their products.”
Honestly, I don’t know why Sony keeps letting Ryan talk to press. He says something stupid that has players up in arms goddamn near every time. Sony has a lot of good people the community loves to hear from, people who actually know how…
Blade Trinity is a complete mess and does suck, but it’s not an unfun watch, if only for Ryan Reynolds and Parker Posey.
Most thieves don’t actually care what they’re stealing, they just enjoy stealing shit.
You gotta give Ubi this much, no matter how late to a party they are, they always show up...no matter how badly they fail again, and again, and again.
You’ll be able to use stupid cheap standard micro-sd cards (with a super cheap adapter) as storage, rip and dump your own carts, and play officially unsupported PSP games. Just like the PSP, the Vita also makes for a phenomenal little machine for emulation.
If Sony is so determined to kill off the Vita…
I don’t know about anyone else but...man, I went from moderately hyped for Back 4 Blood when it was announced, to not giving a shit about it at all now.
Between the super protracted coverage that’s seemingly lasted for years (because it has), the terrible marketing (none of the trailers they’ve released make the game…
Backup player, nothin...the dude in Sinister straight up looks like they took Mick Thompson’s mask, just made it out of skin. It’s nearly the exact same design.
Well, it was nice while it lasted...